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Fallout Wanderers Edition Unique Weapon Changes


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As much as I love FWE, I'm not a fan of the changes made to unique weapons. With the new functioning and different textures. Is there any way to disable them? Or for that matter, does anyone have advice on how I could figure out how to disable them?


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You can do it with a merged patch using FO3Edit. Just have the vanilla records override FWE in the merged patch.


I know the basics of FO3Edit. But I'm not sure how to go about this?


If you don't have it, get the training manual: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/8629


Make a merged patch. When the patch is completed, open Fallout 3, Weapons and scroll to the weapon that was changed by FWE. Copy the information from Fallout across to the Merged Patch so that it overrides the change that was made by FWE.

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