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So, I want to pose this idea to the veteran modders.


Mantis is underappreciated and needs a serious overhaul. Its a dope ship and armor that you can get early on, but it lacks substance. You are literally the universe version of batman and yet only are recognized in dialogue by Spacers? Why, after we take up the mantle, is the Lair of the Mantis not a player home?


What I'm proposing is nothing more than the disguise system in New Vegas, and some dialogue options. When dressed as the Mantis or flying the Razorleaf, YOU are the Mantis. What this means is Ship Scans by UC and Freestar grant unique dialogue, You can't go to The Key in the Razorleaf or dressed as Mantis without all the pirates turning hostile, maybe be able to do an SSNN interview similar to what Jasper Kryx did...


My hope is that this would also resolve the current issue with not being able to complete pirate bounty missions when doing the crimson fleet storyline. If you take out those pirate leaders as mantis, no crimson fleet bounty, and your secret identity is safe.


I would also propose that being the Mantis grants the Wanted perk effects when the armor is worn and/or the Razorleaf is flown, however the random encounter chance increased significantly. I would also propose more bounty missions available, no longer capping at 5 at a time. Following the completion of Kryx's Legacy, Ikande would confront you about having figured out your secret identity.


Example Dialogues:

Job Gone Wrong, Akila City:

(Mantis) "How can I assist, Marshall?" [bypass persuasion]

to Shaw Gang over intercom: [Mantis] "This is the Mantis, come out or I will be forced to come in." (persuades immediate surrender)


Commander Ikande dialoge:

[Deep Cover quest] I did what I did to get to you. The Mantis is interested in helping, I have been directed to accept your offer on their behalf."

**I would find Mantis responses to all his questions that do not give away your identity. It would be imperative that whenever returning to the Vigilance for check-ins to return as the Mantis. Possibly make it a quest stage to change before entering the Vigilance.**


End of Kryx's Legacy, siding with the UC:

To Delgado: “I won’t kill you, but I don’t have to save you.” OR “I’ll be standing where I belong. Between you and the people of the settled systems.”

Ikande: "I'll be honest, we figured out your secret Identity. Before you go, I have to ask, now that the Crimson Fleet is in shambles, will you take off the mask? Will you cease your vigilante crusade?"

[Mantis] “People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy and I can’t do that as (Player Name). I can be ignored. I can be destroyed. But as a symbol — as a symbol, I can be incorruptible. I can be everlasting.”

[Remove Helmet] “You see, I’m both (Player Name) and Mantis, not because I have to be, now, because I choose to be. I am not the first to take up the mantle, and I wont be the last.”


To Ikande, if you side with the Crimson Fleet: “You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”


Example UC/Freestar dialogue:

"Thanks for the assist. I heard stories about you from my commanders. Everyone thinks you're dead. I'll be sure to spread the word. Mantis is back."

(Scanning) "It's really you? Your scan is clean. Thanks for everything you do to make space safer."

(Scanning) "I don't want to be the one who brought you in, but our scan found illegal cargo." [player response] (Mantis) "I am conducting a sting, I'd appreciate if this encounter went unreported."


Example SSNN Dialogues

"I've Put Out A Few Fires, Yes. Won A Few Battles. But The War Goes On."

"The Idea Was To Be A Symbol. Mantis Could Be Anybody, That Was The Point."

“I’m starting to see now. I have had an effect here… but not the one I intended. Vengeance won’t change the past, mine or anyone else’s. I have to become more. People need hope. To know someone’s out there for them.”
“Criminals Are A Cowardly And Superstitious Lot.”
"Death Is Powerless Against You If You Leave A Legacy Of Good Behind."
Q? "Why the take the name Mantis?" A: "Mantids are lightning fast predators, masters of camouflage, ruthless defenders."
Example Pirate/Spacer Dialogue
[Attack]"You Can Never Escape Me. Bullets Don't Harm Me. Nothing Harms Me."
[Attack] “Now you wanna get nuts? Come on! Let’s get nuts.”

“I’m not going to kill you. I want you to do me a favor. I want you to tell all your friends about me.”

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Guest deleted80903

You're a good writer, you should partner with an interested modder and help with the script/concept design of the mod.


This could be huge, and I see potential for an entire questline also, beyond just becoming the Mantis, which really should just be the beginning.


I always thought it would be sweet to have a freelance option when doing the Kryx's Legacy quest... where you double cross the Fleet, kidnap that suicide vest accountant guy, and take the whole legacy for yourself. That would be even better if you do it as the Mantis... though maybe a bit too gray if he's a pristine superhero type

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