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Stop Talking!


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RIght, so I've scoured the interwebs for a mod that will prevent NPCs from vomiting random gossip over the top of the NPC I'm trying to talk to. I don't care how good of a smith Eorlund Gray-Mane is or if you REALLY WANT TO KNOW IF I'VE BEEN TO THE CLOUD DISTRICT! FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME!!!


*ahem* Apologies. I'm not too sure how difficult this would be to work out, as I suuuuuck at modding myself. Ideally, all idle dialog would still be kept (as some of it is actually useful), but it would be silenced or not played at all while the character is in a dialog thingy with another NPC.


I know I, as well as a lot of immersion lovers out there, would greatly appreciate it, if it is possible. Thanks, guys!

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