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Disabling auto unequip after battles?


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How do you do it? I know it's possible but I can't find the way to do it anywhere :( My soldiers are similarly equiped in most cases: everybody who's able has a Plasma rifle and other have Plasma Carabines. Snipers have normal rifles and alloy bullets. Infantry has extra plasma pistols. Everyone has an alien grenade and a SCOPE. Engineers and sometimes scouts get arc throwers. As you can imagine it's more frustrating for me to equip my guys over and over before missions. None of my soldiers has killed or wounded so armors ain't a problem either. It's that damn auto unequip that's frustrating me

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If you are playing Long War, you need to make a hex change to the file XComStrategyGame.upk. That means getting a hex editor and doing a search and replace on the code below.


TO DISABLE AUTO-UNEQUIP OF LIMITED ITEMS AFTER MISSIONS (usually in conjunction with the ini change eliminating the mandatory post-mission rest)


1b bc 1e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 44 28 00 00 16
0b 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b 00 44 28 00 00 0b


NOTE: This is Long War EU only, not for other mods or the vanilla game.

Edited by johnnylump
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  • 2 months later...

Hmmm ... What If I Dont Wana Eliminate The Mandatory Post Mission Rest But Just Want To Disable The Auto Unequip Of Limited Items ????

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Hmmm ... What If I Dont Wana Eliminate The Mandatory Post Mission Rest But Just Want To Disable The Auto Unequip Of Limited Items ????


In EU the function is called XGStorage.InjuryReleaseInventory.


In EW it was renamed to XGStorage.BackupandReleaseInventory, and Firaxis also added XGStorage.BackupandReleaseInventoryForCovertOp

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Hmmm ,... Really Sorry For Late Reply's :|


I Did Found What Johnny Has Marked But I Do Not Want To Eliminate The Mandatory Post Mission Rest


I Just Want To Disable The Auto Unequip


Also I Did Found The Function U Pointed "XGStorage.InjuryReleaseInventory." But Then I Dunno What To Do :/

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