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Empires Glory Plugin Poll


Which one do you like?  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. Your decision will decide what will be worked on first

    • Bravil Rebuild
    • EG Legion
    • Elder Council Election
    • Guild Projects
    • Rebuilding Forts

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Rebuilding Forts.

Rebuilding most of the forts...they were former places of glory...why shouldn't it be now? Especially Sancre Tor would deserve a make-over.

As Jauffre already said...the blades could revisit the place. Other forts could be new stations for the Imperial Legion to watch over..

-Mainly restorations and a few quests



if doing that please make it compatible with DarkRider's Reclaiming Sancre Tor.

Pacific Morrowind

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We'll probably create a total duplicate (interior/exterior). To evade any problems..

However.. that would need to be examined more close.. I don't know what they will change in that mod..

We'll probably wait until that mod has progressed a little further than now, before making them compatible ...

(The last update on TesAlliance was 2 days ago...so its still a WIP)

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you guys are awsome!!!! wish I had enpugh skill to join the team, but I dont. Cant wait and my favorite feature is winning!!!!!!! I was thinking and thought that a corrupt system might also fit in well with this mod. Like some of the more wealthy Legion men could be corrupt, accepting bribes, making profit from criminal activity by looking the other way. And the player could hunt down and cleanse the Empire of these corrupt men. Casting them into exile of the Imperial City. And maybe after words, there will be a few assassination attempts on you from the ex-legion men? I dont know, just and Idea that you could add to expand the mods life after the MQ of this mod. Keep up the good work, cant wait to command a legion battalion!
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You guys are really doing an amazing job. This sounds like it could be a game (or at least DLC) on its own. But anyways on to my question, when is the initial release going to be? Please don't rush it, take as much time as you guys need. I just want this mod to turn out amazing. Keep up the good work guys.
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We hope its shall be finished in the first week of July (next week). Although we had some bad news from a member. ...

We'll try to keep that deadline...

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Are you serious? That's great! I'm so use to hear big mods like this being done whenever the modder gets around to it and then THAT being delayed again and again that this is like a breath of fresh air. I'll be sure to download it the day it comes out. Great work guys.
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cool, didnt expect it so soon! I wonder if this mod will be lore freindlly to the next elder scrolls. Like I wonder if the Empire will be recovered in the next elder scrolls, if not I can just see me forgeting this was a mod and be like "didnt I help the Empire recover?" haha.
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