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spidersgeorge12 - Formal warning issued

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spidersgeorge12 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


Sending a disproportionately aggressive email complaining about the requirement to have a secure password.


"I get like 4 hours a week to play f*#@ing games and you f*#@ing took it from me with your stupid ass password requirements that keep f*#@ing changing so I can't ever remember the passwords for this f*#@ing site and you ban me from logging in after like 10 f*#@ing attempts f*#@ you!!!! It's a f*#@ing website to download mods your security is terrible anyway.



Crash and burn, I hope your website f*#@ing dies. Its infuriating to use."




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