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Small list of requests


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Here are a few thoughts:


(1) Balancing the sexes for follower & companion mods- I understand the idea behind all the female char companions and followers, but let's face it there are way more female ones, especially multi-character packs than unique male ones. Can we change that a bit?


(2) More house mods that allow you to add your own features based on unique options- example: build your own home mod. A few more ideas houses or mansions designed to house a lot of followers (50-100) with serious storage- example Dovakin's warehouse & storage, without all the issues with mannequins & bugs :smile: as well as supported well by the author or at least willing to give permission for others to use it should he/she decide not to support it anymore..


(3) More humor in skyrim please- arrow in the knee mod, you blew it (adam sandler), Monty Python audio for unique actions or situations would be great.


(4) More well made armor similar to Immersive weapons and armor


Thanks :smile:


Hope I asked for these correctly. I see no one has responded. :(

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Hey Majestic44,


I like to make houses in skyrim really much thats why i started modding. I have to fully done house's on the nexus! The rest of all my house's i found not worthy. Anyway i'm thinking of making more house's but then with scripts that makes you build it yourself and stuff. If you are intrested keep an eye on my nexus account.




Avalon Manor

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