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I cant take off Porrima3 Starfield game.


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i can't take off from porrima 3. The mission was red mile but my skill was not enough to do it so I tried to leave the planet to complete some other mission. Usually this is successful.
When I take the pilot's seat on the ship, take off is not active. (Picture below)
Is it the case that I can't leave because the task is in progress?

Thanks for help.



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Try to fast travel. If it doesn't allow you, it means you have some upgoing quest that need to be completed, most probably.

Have you agreed to run the red mile, but you still haven't done it, maybe? i that case, you have 4 solutions:


1) console TGM (god mod) TCAI (on-off AI combat) or KAH (kill all hostile) while doing the red mile. It sucks, but whatever. If you use TCAI, remember to turn combat ON later

2) Reload a previous save

3) Using setqueststage commands, go one step back (or forward) in your quest progression. Not sure what are quest stages of that specific part. Google "starfield quest manipulation console" or stuff like that, if you don't have results, most commands are probably the same from F04 and skyrim, look for those games too.

4) Lower difficulty, do quest, reset difficulty.


Honestly I'd avoid nr 3, always wiser to not mess with quests if you have other options, IMHO.


PS console will disable achievements. But I never cared about that ehhe

Edited by gabgone
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