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Nifskope adding bones to non outfit items


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Wondering if it is currently possible to add bones to non-outfit related .Nif files utilizing just nifskope. I know I can and how to do this in Blender but if I can do it without that would be cool. I recall being able to do similar stuff in other bethesda games by changing/copying/renaming some values but can't seem to get it to work with Starfield yet.


For example.


I want to add a weapon or other general static item onto an outfit. Taking the Combat Knife as an example.


-Copying over the geometry branch onto the new outfit shows up in Nifskope but disappears in-game


-Copying over the entire NiNode causes both to function in game but the Knife just floats and is not weighted or rigged to a skeleton.


-Attempt to copy SkinAttach node from base outfit to the knife does nothing.


-Attempted to take the base human skeleton, add the entire NiNode of the weapon onto it and then copy into the new outfit. Still not working.



I am aware of the Blender Geometry Bridge plugin here on the Nexus but It doesn't appear to want to work when you try and combine multiple .Nif files.



So yeah, I made some attempts but failed. If there is nothing that can be done at the moment it's all good but if anyone has had any luck I would appreciate your insight.





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