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What settings make a weapon have multiple shots from a single Fusion Core?


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I know the Ammo is set to fusion Core, but what causes the "Capacity" to be treated as "#Shots per Ammo round"?

I am missing something as the Gun wants to use 1 Fusion Core per shot (like normal Ammo).


I have (I thought) the important settings the same as a Gatling laser, but this an OMOD so mapping between WEAPON settings and OMOD Properties is not identical.

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GetItemHealthPercent(). ( Ammo >> ( Fusion Core ) >> Health [default health 500 = 100%. Range is 0 - 1 but the function may return -1 instead of 1 if the item's health instance data hasn't been initialized] ) AND ( Perk >> ( Nuclear Physicist ) >> Perk Entry >> Mod Ammo Health Mult ).


The clip size is weapon instance data. ( Weapon >> Ammo >> Capacity ) AND ( OMOD >> Property Modifiers >> iammocapacity ).

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I understand how fusion core drain is represented (health of the core), and I understand how Perks modify the drain rate (Mod Ammo Health Mult) - this is not my question.


There are only 2 indicators of Gatling Lasers that the game seems to knows about (via Default objects) - these are "AmmoFusionCore", and the keyword "WeaponTypeGatlingLaser", both of these are correctly added via the OMOD (iammocapacity was also set to 500 anyway).


What I am saying is this does not work. Each shot of the laser uses one fusion core.


I am begining to wonder if this is another case of the game not recognising (in certain parts of the code) a change of ammo by an OMOD.

(This weapon is a minigun so the base ammo type of the unmodded weapon is Ammo5mm).

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Hereami - seems your post was lost. I think the issue is the special processing triggered by the DFOB keyword Weapontypegatlinglaser only works for the player - just like the special PA core processing also only works for the player. As NPC's normally do not use ammo there was probably no need for Bethesda to make it work for NPCs.

I found the issue as I was setting "NPCsUseAmmo" flag... Because I want them too...

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