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Perk Fulfillment Request


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Not sure if there is a Mod for this, but im Requesting a Mod that Fills a Perk Automatically in a Tree, weather its from Training or reading a Book or you get a Skill Gain when getting hit or doing Magic.


You see, im Level 80 now and Half my Skill Trees havent been touched at all, yet most of them are 100 while some are around 90


It also takes Forever to get Dragon Souls from Dragons with Mods that turn them into Perk Points, because right now i feel sorry for the Beasts with their Corpses lying plowed over the field. Yes ive killed about 90 Dragons so far while Absorbing their Souls with 800 to go and i havent even Ativated all my Shouts yet.


Also the Leveling Up should be Cancelled, because through the Mod you wouldent be getting Perk Points nomore since the specific Skill Tree would be filled already.

Edited by daventry
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I plan something like having primary skills which will gain perks automatically when required level is reached and not using perk points. Perk points will still be gained so they can be used on the rest of the skills. But I'm looking for SKSE to add more cause I want it fully compatible with any perk tree changing mods.

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I recommend using the skyrim community uncapper, and set tge perks per level to 3, this allows for longer playability and it's far better IMO as you almost definitely get into your situation otherwise.



That sounds like a very complicated busy Mod and not what im looking for, basically what im asking is, instead of getting a Perk Point in deciding where to put it at witch Tree, its being put for me by itself.


I plan something like having primary skills which will gain perks automatically when required level is reached and not using perk points. Perk points will still be gained so they can be used on the rest of the skills. But I'm looking for SKSE to add more cause I want it fully compatible with any perk tree changing mods.

Yes thats exactly what i want.


Oh, heres the SKSE Program


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It seems that Mod is broken and causing problems, plus its a Bat File where such Mods needs the Console for just about everything and its not what im looking for or some Cheat Object that immediately gives me 100 of everything, since i prefer a Mod to Fill my Perks for me at the Trained Skill within a Tree without me trying to figure out what to do with the Perk Point or witch Skill is best to put it on.

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I still believe the uncapper is your best bet and it is no way a cheat file, IRS used by gopher in his let's plays and endorsed by several mod makers. I use it with Skyre and it's pretty much a necessity as the amount of perks is quadrupled so I need more perk points on a regular basis.


Its not complicated and their are many tutorials online.


It's definitely your best option IMO as I have been in your situation too often but ever since this I never have. I'm big into immersion so it's an instant no for any mods that'd break it but this is fine.

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I would have to agree with Magnus. I also use the uncapper and I couldn't play without it. Basically all it does is raise your level caps for skills and character level from 100 to 1000, and lets you gain more benefits from skills up to lv 199. I know it's not what you're asking for, but for now it could be a good alternative.

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I tried the Settings in the Uncapper, but i dont think the Mod works since im not even sure what i must change.


All i want the Uncapper to do is give me More Perk Points and have Trainers train me up to a 100, please help



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