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Xbox and PS3


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Another thing compared to PC is support time needed. Windows always get patches and updates, have you any Adobe products or Java and not to mention an Antivirus program you have to click on a lot of popups to keep the machine updated.


With a console that is close to zero. Hit start button, put in the game and you are playing already.


On the other hand you can't do anything else with a console like you can with a PC.


Simplicity or complexity, most would choose the easy way even if it mean some lower graphics.


That doesn't apply to the PS3 which seems to constantly update, they're fighting pirates with the constant updates leaving proper users with update after update, it wouldn't be so bad if it didn't take so long.


Like Steam then :laugh: but faster on my ISP line. Mostly every time started it has updates it needs to install. Might be related to changes in how Valve want to use Steam in the future but it's quite annoying. I mean not even Microsoft spam me with new updates just within a few days between.

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Steam tends to be updating games, the PS3 is always updating itself. We had people over at Christmas, I thought it would be a good idea to fire up Lovefilm and see if there was anything anyone wanted to look at, needless to say I firstly forced to do a system update that took nearly 25 minutes on a 60Mb line, then the app itself wanted to update and that took it's sweet time, it took over half an hour to even get Lovefilm loaded, it was ridiculous. I wouldn't mind if it was every now and again but it happens all too frequently and none of these updates add anything for the user, it's all to fight pirates, a fight Sony lost a long time ago.

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