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Whats the Best Way to set This Up


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What Im trying to do replicate how 300 blackout works in real life in game. The method that I came up with is to create a new perk in LegendaryCommonPerk that is set up like this


WornHasKeyWord Run on Subject "NewKeyWord" And


WornHasKeyWord Run on Subject HasSilencer And


Then I set the Target to the Player Character


Im using Mod Sneak Skill , Add, +5


On the weapon I have it set up like you would set up a legendary effect on a weapon and I added "NewKeyWord" to the weapon mod


What Im trying to figure out is that with the weapon mod attached will the effect be on standby until the player equips a suppressor or must both keywords be on the same weapon mod?


I would rather create a perk that affects the sound of the weapon instead but I dont know how to do that. I read somewhere that suppressors dont have any effect on reducing the player detection in this game so affecting the sound level of the weapon wont have any effect? Im here to learn some things about how stealth works in this game as well.


I can post pictures if needed.


In my current testing I set the sneak modifier to over 2 million and so far no sucess in having the perk function like I would like it to. It doesnt even take effect at all.

Edited by SonAnima
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Not sure. What's expected? Let's say, even if Player is Undetectable, then still npc go aggroed when shot and will spot the firing position.

The goal is to give the player some short of sneak bonus or bonus to help them with stealth. I do like the idea of if the player is shooting someone and they are in the open in broad daylight then they will be easily spotted. It will still be up to the player to use cover to avoid being spotted.


The above method didnt have any effect as it seems like "LegendaryModCommonPerk" doesnt like it when you set up perks with conditions or perhaps I set it up wrong. I did come up of the best possible solution to my ability as I have no knowledge of scripting and I want to avoid scripting as anything that makes use of the script extender I want to avoid as I want this to work on Xbox.


What I did was study the Chameleon legendary perk, made a copy of it, and begin to mess with the keywords. I found out that "WornHasKeyWord" works best for weapons and functions just like I want it to where the game waits until those keywords are assigned to the weapon to apply the effect. So what I set it up like this:


WornHasKeyword / Subject / "Caliber"(whatever bullet caliber you want it to be) for the Target


WornHasKeyword / Subject / HasSilencer


I left the other conditions for chameleon effect to see what happens



Chameleon effect didnt take effect until the weapon was chambered in 300 BLKout, had a suppressor on the barrel, was sneaking, and not moving


After my experiment was successful I changed the perk to not be so overpowered by removing the chameleon perk and replacing it with the 'ArmorQuietEffect" and removing the "IsSneaking" and "IsMoving" requirements.


With this setup I believe that it will be balanced as the player can still be easily spotted if out in the open but when sneaking with the aid of the "ArmorQuietEffect" will be a little bit more difficult to detect when using stealth

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