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Everything posted by SonAnima

  1. And in theory I should be able to add as many annotations as I want while in 3ds max? I want to add an extra sound to the bolt action.
  2. Thanks. I should be able to detach the right hand in 3ds without breaking the skeleton?
  3. Yea The Rizzler tutorial really didnt help but The Shiny Haxious tutorial did. Adding annotations is no longer a problem but now I have a new problem. During the WPNBoltChargeReady animation the weapon shakes during the animation which is weird as I never edited the stock to move only the bolt. Idk why its doing that (I didnt add annotations in the video as I was checking to see if the animations even works) but any tips would help. The simple stuff like the bolt being pulled too high is easy to fix. https://imgur.com/a/wn0IdFZ
  4. Reloaded the BoltChargeReady animation in 3ds opened the dope sheet and I see nothing pointing to sounds for the animation at all. Strange.
  5. When I export from blender I always use outfit studio since for some reason pyniffy gives me problems when exporting from blender. You can export as a obj then import the mesh into outfit studio then export as a nif.
  6. So I taught myself how to animate (finally) and when exporting from 3ds to fallout there are some problems. First no sound plays at all during the animation, no bullet flies out when the bolt on the bolt rifle opens up, and the bolt handle itself becomes invisible during the animation for some reason. If theres anyone here that can help me solve these issues it would be very appreciated. I can post a video of the problem here if needed.
  7. I have the 2013 version of 3ds max and Im finally trying to make animations. Im using the Fallout 4 HKX Animation Import Maxscript to try to import animations with no success whatsoever. I have the BS Shader property set up as well as installed the niftool for 3ds max 2013
  8. Its a added weapon. I think the issue is that when creating the legendary variants, I also copy and created the same weapon mod and only equipped the weapon parts that I wanted. It has the same object mods so that might be the issue.
  9. No console commands involved. Invisible when used during game not in inventory and yes you can shoot it. This is the tutorial I looked at.
  10. A while back I was following a tutorial on how to make legendary items for fallout 4 but now the weapon model is completely invisible in game now. Thanks for any tips on fixing this issue.
  11. After looking into texel Density from what I understand how things work in game is that every time something loads up in game the material files for that mesh has to be loaded as well and the more materials that is assigned to a mesh the more draw on performance and the more space the mod file takes up? So the best bet is to pack as much as possible onto one UV grid so the game only has to look for one material and texture file and that should take up less space(hopefully). Instead of having the weapon divided into different parts like the guns in Fallout 4 I should have just one texture called "MyWeaponMod" to be referenced in game and do the same with the scopes and other attachments. Idk how much space reducing texture resolution will save up but Im thinking either 512 or 1K as with 2K textures one of my mods is already taking up 204MB which is too much for a weapon pack for xbox. Anything below 512 I want to avoid as it looks like 007 Goldeneye textures in Substance Painter which probably looks much worst in game lol
  12. I believe that the XXL Nukes mod already does this
  13. I only so far modeled guns that already exist in real life. As for modeling things that dont exist I would learn how to draw so that you can create your own Concept Art. Some modders do this when making clothing as they draw the model front, profile, and back view so they have a easier time 3d modeling. As for tips learn how to UV unwrap as fast as you can as that will make everything better both for textures and in game. Learn how to UV unwrap the basic 3d shapes (cube, pyramid, Sphere, cylinder) as that will serve as a great guide for the fundamentals for UV unwrapping. One thing that Im surprised no one talks about on youtube when it comes to UV unwrapping is that to make your life easier when it comes to UV unwrapping is to break down the mesh to separate smaller more simple shapes if your struggling with UV unwrapping. Once your done with the unwrapping process then you can put everything back together after you packed the UV's neatly on the grid
  14. Well to make this possible what I would do is set the damage value on the Weapon mod itself to 1 as Im sure that the game needs some kind of number to work with especially when dealing with multipliers as anything multiplied by 0 is 0. Your gonna want to create your own new custom perk inside of ModCommonPerk. That is where most of the legendary effects for armor and weapons are located In the perk entry window select entry point Select Mod Incoming Weapon Damage Function - Select Multiply 1 + Actor Value Mult In the small box put in the number 0.01 or 1.00 as your weapon already does next to no damage so the more boast here the better Under Perk Owner set up your Targets like this Run On - Subject Condition Function -WornHasKeyWord (Your Custom Keyword for your Weapon) Comparison = = Value - Set to 1.00 This is to associate the perk with your weapon Run on - Subject Condition Function - IsSneaking NONE Comparison == Value - Set to 1.00 This is so it will take effect when sneaking Last one Run on - Subject Condition Function - IsInCombat NONE Comparison == Value - Set to 0 Now on the weapon itself on any of the damage mods for the weapon you have to set it up just like how the legendary effects are set up on weapons. Look at the mod_Legendary_Weapon_DamageVSHumans object mod to see how to set things up right The WeaponAV in the object mod works like a percentage so 50 will equal 50% and so forth when set up the normal way. What this means is that if you have the number in the perk entry set to 0.01 then the weapon will be doing 1.5 damage which is still too little. If you set the number in the Perk Entry to 1.00 and in the object mod the WeaponAv is 50 then the weapon should be doing 50 damage before the sneak multiplier comes into play for each stealth attack which is much better. Experiment with the numbers till your happy. Idk if IsInCombat is the right keyword for when the player has the [Danger] box above them so you might have to do some testing for figuring out the right keyword
  15. This is my first time hearing about Texel Density. Im guessing that what texel density means is that I try to fit as many uv's as possible on a single uv grid? Its good to know that Elric can downsize resolutions of the textures for me as that sounds faster than dealing with substance painter which tends to crash quite a bit.
  16. Good to know that the vanilla format weights less. Is there a place to get the Nvidea tool or is it located in a fallout 4 folder?
  17. Unfortunately that is part of the modder experience. Even some the modders that have been modding this game for years still come back here asking for help with issues with their mods breaking parts of the game so dont worry if you do end up breaking something as its not the end of the world if you do. Simply disabling the problem mod will fix the issue most of the time and figuring out what went wrong is part of modding. Even I didnt get everything right on the first time modding and even then I still make mistakes when modding as you cant prepare for something that you dont know that you dont know. Tutorial - Standalone Power Armor at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com) A guide on Nexus This video probably will also address many issues you can encounter making a power armor mod. A post made talking about modeling custom power armor parts from many years ago Remember to dont be afraid to make mistakes and have fun
  18. You are correct in that blue doesnt exist for the specular map. You can also change the levels of either the red or green to affect the shine of the textures. When using the Intel Texture Works plugin for Photoshop for the Compression you have BC 1, BC 3, BC 4, BC 5, BC 6, and BC7. I always use the Color Texture Type and BC7 8bpp Fine (Linear, DX 11 +) for compressing the diffuse map. For the Normal and Specular Map I always use the Normal Map as the texture type and use BC5_U 8bpp (Linear, Unsigned, 2 Channel) for compression
  19. This may be a dumb question but does it matter what compression I use for making texture files? I want to make my weapon mods as Xbox friendly as possible and Im trying to figure out how to decrease the file size of my mods wherever possible while still delivering the best quality that I can.
  20. I cant teach you but what I would do if I was you is import the power armor frame into blender so that you can have the frame as a reference to build the new armor around. I would also import a full set (t45) and use the game armor as a size reference. There should be tutorials on how to model armor in blender on youtube. Watch those to learn how to make armor as then you can make any new armor that you want. You can also try to remake the vanilla game pieces as that will also help you learn. Look up tutorials on uv unwrapping as good uv's equal better textures when it comes time to apply textures in software like substance painter. It took me 2 months to make my first model in blender so patience is key both to learning 3d modeling, uv unwrapping, applying textures, and making mods for fallout 4 as the game is easy to break.
  21. So do you want the dagger to deal damage only when the player is sneaking or do you want the dagger to constantly deal sneak damage?
  22. Yep I figured that the hard way many months ago when it comes to orchestral. Kontakt is a killer when it comes to ram especially Sonokinetic VST's(then again its my fault I I didnt read that they recommend 16GB as a STARTING point). I tried composing some tracks that are heavy on instrumentation and I cant even open those tracks anymore without my DAW crashing lol. Even with tracks that are just strings Im pushing 12 - 15 GB which is annoying (this remains true even when I avoid using Sonokinetic). I want to use 64 GB as a starting point for orchestral and leave room for expansion should the need arise.
  23. Good to know as I never used xwm files before or made any radio mods. Bethesda sure has some weird quirks when it comes to things lol. Sounds like xwm files would work great for music ost mods as well.
  24. Sorry for the late reply but thanks for the recommendations. I didnt know about DPC issue affecting music performance and thanks for letting me know. Idk what DAW that your using but I do know that some VST's can take forever to load (samplers can eat up a lot of ram while some synths can really push your processor) and I dont want to make things worst. It sounds like 64GB of ram will be better for me so I can still use my DAW to make sound effects, music, and still be able to work things like Substance Painter without messing with the settings too much. A 8 core processor should do the trick. Sounds like a intel processor would be better due to me wanting multiple monitors? As for the GPU I will look into the NVIDIA series as it sounds like it does exactly what I want it to do. My dream set up will have 3 monitors as it would be nice to have 3ds max, any files/ substance painter, and the creation kit all on separate monitors. Same for music as I hate having to constantly open and close multiple screens.
  25. So what is everyones pc specs for running fallout 4? I just ran into the limitations of my laptop as I cant use Substance Painter anymore without it instantly crashing when loading a material heavy project. My specs are 16gb Radon R5 M335 4 core Core i7 Just asking as Im gonna need to upgrade as It seems like I cant make quality retextures for my weapon mods. I also can run the game for at least 2/3 hours before letting the laptop cool down and I want longer play time.
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