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Help Wanted


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well thats great but im just a kid tryin to ghet help from some good modders

and i just happen to know 1 of the makers of morrrowind very well so thats y i dont pay people


and if ur willing to help then email me

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and i just happen to know 1 of the makers of morrrowind very well so thats y i dont pay people



Enough lying. We both know perfectly well you're lying here, you're just yet another kid looking for attention, but not quite smart enough to tell a believable lie. So all you do is convince people that you really don't deserve help.



Oh, and let me repeat myself: Speak english. If you don't care enough about your project to take the extra few seconds to type in something resembling coherent english, why shoud we care enough to help you with it?

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Fine belive wat u want to belive but im still gona see if there is any NICE people that arnt greedy and dont need money to help someone hav fun


dont worry i have found some people that are gonig to be a part of this mod so thnx for the help ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow.... just wow...

I highly doubt that you have a team together that will get no pay, and even if you do know a person who made morrowind, why does that make you not pay people? will that person come to our houses and shoot us if we ask for pay? im mean seriously, WTF do you think makes the world spin? friendship :laugh2: ? Its cold hard cash! Think about it. the only jobs would be volunteer jobs to help save the rainforest. We would all be equal, and we would be doing huge things that give us nothing but a pat on the back. Sure im getting political, but you better believe that if you get a team, you better have some moneys on you!

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I wonder how many leaders of unofficial Morrowind mods pay for their teams... :P


I actually feel like modeling a sword at the moment so if you still need a modeler for the 'main sword', please post your scetch

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hey smuli if ravage doesnt need my drawings i could help but will have to see if he will need it first :)
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im sorry i didnt relly explain that well what i ment was if ravage doesent need my drawings for the sword i would be happy to give to you so you can make a mod. Oh and dark feather its not about the money its for fun. :)
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oppps i read your first message wrong :embarassed: sorry for the confusion.
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