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[LE] Custom Follower Animation -- Carry NPC?


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I'm working on an extensive mod (Let's call it a Campaign Mod), and one of the custom animations I have planned is where a designated NPC can carry another NPC. Both would be able to act independently of each other through normal situations, with only one relying on the other during the carry animation.


The player, for example, would be able to pick up an injured person and carry them to safety, or even pick up a cat and put it down out of harm's way.


I've seen it done with objects in game, such as firewood, so I know that is possible, but what if the firewood were replaced by an NPC? How would I go about doing this?



Such an animation would open questing to Saving lives, realistic farming (searching for the livestock that escaped, and carrying the lamb back to the barn), and even family-oriented life (IE caring for children).


Solution Found


2021 Edit, since the Solution was never posted back in 2014. Here it is.

Edited by varsaigen
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You can't do it like firewood. Firewood is an AnimObject, but you can't make a character an AnimObject. And animations like carry firewood only work for NPCs (not the player) and only under certain restrictions.


What you should do is make the carried NPC play some pose, and then attach him with setvehicle() to an object. That's how player and NPCs drive on the cart in the intro sequence. And I'm using it in FNIS Zoo to move the dragon into the air. And then this object has to follow the player/other NPC somehow.

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Replying to this old thread. I find it strange the solution wasn't posted, and it would be unlike me not to post it. Thank you GroovyMinja for PMing me about the thread, and sorry for the horrible delay.


In short, the solution would be to use joint-skeletons/animations. You would combine two skeletons into a single file and animate them, and then assign them as two separate entities. I am going off the top of my head here, but I believe the animations were then split off into their separate skeletons so that they only had their assigned role in the animation. It has been a long time and I never got around to attempting it.


After a bit of digging, I found a rendition of the tutorial I originally found: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49311/

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