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Oblivion Gear Sets?


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I had an idea to make scripts that add attribute bonuses to gearsets. Using elven as an example, i might make it 2/5=Marksmen +2, 3/5=Agility +5, 4/5=Marksmen +3 and 5/5= Speed+5, Making this Accumulative so with full set you get Marksmen+5 Agility+5 Speed+5 only when full set is on, or if you have 4/5 its Marksmen+5 Agility+5. Or with Deadric i could make it 2/5=Endurance+3 3/5=Destruction+4 4/5=Heavy Armor+5 5/5=Max hp+100 or something like that.
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im saying its an idea that i want to do, i can script it on my own but want to know if it is something the community might like or not. I want to contribute mods because ive downloaded a bunch but havn't uploaded any.
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Only advice I can give you is create mods for yourself, and if you think they're worthy when done release them here. If you get enjoyment out of your mod then whether or not anyone else does is irrelevant ... you've satisfied your most important critic.

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