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Something a little different.


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Why is it that the only things mods offer in the form of NPC interaction is sex and violence?


Why must we score with or kill every single man and woman we see?


How about a mod that lets you reach out to any NPC by offering them the simple gesture of a hug?


If you wanted to attach a more solid gameplay element to it, you could gain a very small amount of karma from doing this.


Show a little human decency in the harsh and unforgiving wastes.


I await your angry responses, saying this has nothing to do with anything.


And yes, I'm serious.

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>:( This concept of "hug" angers and confuses us! >:( RAWR! We will destroy your puny civ..I mean idea!


but seriously


Not a bad idea really. Those Rivet City guards that keep calling me a lowlife for sneaking into Seagrave's cabin ((IIRC)) could sure use a hug, especially seeing as they haven't STOPPED calling me that even after I started the purifier. : :pinch:


I guess to answer the "why not" ... maybe it's not spectacular enough. Too simple, so no one thought ofi t. Yeah, that's it. :yes:


On the flip side of the hug, I demand a slap/punch/kick-in-the-groin option. Gives negative karma if used on non-evil npcs. Positive if used on evil npcs. :D


(hugs meanwhile would always be positive, and to expand on it, if possible might confuse an evil npc, at the very least eliciting a "WTF?" response. :D)

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