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Item; spell; power name on equip


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Hello, I was wondering if there was a mod that made so when you equip and item or power or spell it would display that you did so on the screen. Say, for example, you have a few Shouts hotkeyed and you press the hotkey to equip one, I would like a visual notification kind of fade in in one of the corners that says "Whirlwind Sprint Equipped" or something like that. I don't know if something like this exists or not, I searched for it for a long time and didn't come up with anything, so I'm posting about it here.


I'm just tired of being in the thick of a fight and want to switch one shout for another or for a power or whatever, and not remembering exactly which hotkey has which power or shout, and then ending up using the wrong thing. I feel like something like this wouldn't be too hard to do. I'm also pretty sure a feature like this was in Oblivion, so I'm kind of surprised a mod like this hasn't already come up. One probably already has, and I just don't know the proper way to search for what I want. If I had any idea how to mod I would do it myself, but alas, I don't.


Thank anyone for reading, If you know of a mod that does this, or think it could be done, please comment, I would appreciate it.

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