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Mass Zombie Raising Power (Necromancy)


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I was searching through the mods on the Nexus and didn't see one like this. But I was hoping that someone might make a power (not a spell) that casts an area effect raising all corpses in the area as undead (non-hostile to the player / hostile to other life-forms) NPCs (not followers).


I mean, I do like the regular necromancy conjuration spells in the game and dead thrall spells. But sometimes my necromancer would just like to turn all the corpses in an area into a mess of unthinking, grim, shambling, undead corpses with no will other than to stumble about seeking the flesh of the living (player character who revived them excluded, of course).


Y'know? Like I want them to suffer onward as fetid walking corpses but I don't want the stinky things actually following me around or associating me, y'dig!?


As a nice tie-in to the game... perhaps the mod-maker could make the power obtainable through the Potema quest-line... perhaps something you get upon obtaining her skull?


Could be a good bonus for those of us who may want to play the Potema questline with some other (more sinister) motivation besides the usual "saving the world from the reawakened evil queen" jive, no?

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It may not be exactly what you're looking for, but Conjuration Madness allows you, once the perk is gained (bc it adds a perk into the conjuration tree), to have up to 25 conjured creatures OR 25 risen allies. You would unfortunately have to raise them individually, but you can make them all thralls and they'll all follow you?

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That's the problem though... a mod like that... and the others like it I've found is focused on thralls/zombies who follow you.


I want to have a kind of power that raises the dead to be their own free agents (I.e. they become like non-hostile (to the player) npc creatures and DON'T follow you).


It's much less about acquiring another "tool" to use in battle... much more about wanting to role play an evil necromancer who wishes to trap their defeated enemies in a state of un-attached wandering zombification. It's like a way of making it so a location I've cleared isn't left desolate and devoid of creatures. I can raise them all as zombies and have them as a kind of ambiance to the (now zombie-corrupted) space. If I choose to visit again, I can count on these zombies still being present and wandering around for me to mingle with... laugh at... taunt... perhaps to kill and then raise again.


So yeah... more of a twisted necromancer role-playing thing, for me anyways.

Edited by Abraxastaroth
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So a mass resurrection spell that makes all affected NPCs a friendly...well, I use a mod that is a Naruto overhaul (just adds some "jutsu" and some items into the game, no replacers) because it has a spell that is an area resurrection. Id imagine you could try to get in contact with the modder and see if they'd let you use and modify that spell a little: make it a reanimation instead of a res., and instead of maintaining the same disposition when they're brought back as they had when they died, alter it so all of them are friendly. Most of the work is done already in that case.

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I meant more of... won't attack the player because they are the one who raised the zombie.... but will attack anyone else... so like the zombies/thralls you raise... but just minus the "follower" bit.


I was just stressing that me, myself personally, am seeking this power/effect less as a means of attack and more of a means of creating ambient undead npcs that shamble about and moan.

Edited by Abraxastaroth
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I'm just suggesting that as a base to work with to save you or whomever else takes this on the trouble of making it from scratch (If the author allowed it of course). I'm sure that with that you can alter it to do whatever you'd like. All it would take would be to change the school and the effects on the PC (both the spell animations and the disposition effects) Just a suggestion

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