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Create and run your own vampire covenant,werewolf nest or bandit clan


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Create and run your own covenant,nest or bandit clan

In the mod 'Moonlight Tales' we have the option to convert other into a werewolf,Also skyrim have an option to convert other into a vampire (or mybey its from 'Better Vampire',idk)-if you useing the 'Praestare Sanguinare' spell and then feed on a npc.Then he/she become my follower.

The point is,If I turn an npc into a werewolf-he/she "belong" to me (like I'm hes/r father) and I start a werewolf nest/or a vampire covenant that will be reconize in skyrim.

Werewolf Nest

At first the Companion will be suspicious about my new nest.I can make a friend or enemy out of them.depend on my action.

the silver hand and the Vigilant will try to hunt me and my new faction.and I as the leader will be a high target value.and if I die the faction die with me.

Every now and then I will get an update report from my faction members like-'the vigilant or the silver hand kill another one/two or group of four people,we need to do something'.And I can issue a command to go and attack a silver hand fort or some vigilant HQ..


Bandit Clan

If I fighting a bandit and he/she yield,then I will have the option to ask them-'Do you swear to Serve me?'(I mean how else a bandit becom a chief?)

Then I be able to give them command: Recruit more,or raid this or that( like I want 1000 gold per day,so they need to rob enough to make the 1000 gold a day) and so on and so forth...


Some time a new bandit will come and say 'I want to challenge you and fight you and become the new chief',and I will have fight him/her in a duel.If they win then I will lose my clan and will be exile.



My action as a chief or a covenat/nest master will Determine how the city gaurd.or the legion/stormcloack will react to my faction.

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