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The Elder Scrolls Online Worth it ?



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  1. 1. Does TESO Worth it ?

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i would play it cause the idea of multiplayer TES is really epic in my opinion

and considering the fact that they run the whole thing on only one server that could support thousands of players (which they call a mega server or something) i would pay for it

anyway im losing my interest in the TES series as i prefer morrowind over oblivion and oblivion over skyrim i would really like something like this

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I played many mmos some of the best ones were p2p they quite simply don’t come close to playing any f2p game there is a huge quality and content gap. 15$ a month in all reality is nothing ppl try to justify the money aspect, I rather give money to something that will continue to be better overall then any f2p or b2p mmo on the market.

I think once the skeptical TES players truly see what its like they will change their tune

Edited by Bloodinfested
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From what i've seen and have been reading, i don't think TESO will make a huge difference in MMO land.


Is any game worth paying around 60 dollars for the box and then another 15 per month to play it? It's a difficult question but i would say.... no?

I did play WoW and yes, that is still P2P, but they are losing subscriptions very fast the past year. And although they stated that WoW would never be F2P, i think it's only a matter of time before it will collapse.


I played a lot Guild Wars 2 and that was a lovely deal. You buy the box for about 50-60 dollars (was 49 euro for me) and then you play as much or as little you want. No extra costs unless you decide to go to the

ingame shop. And that is not NEEDED, it's a free choice. I stopped playing it for a while due to real life stuff and i can jump back in with no extra costs.


Now if TESO would be a whole new MMO experience, i think they could support the monthly fees plus the box price. But i fear that it will be just another copy off the old mechanism and if that is the case, the game

will become very boring very quickly. I truly hope that i'm wrong, that TESO will be a wonderful game that is worth every penny! But i'm still waiting to see if that is the case and the rumours are not promising.


So that is why i don't think TESO is worth the monthly fee above the box price. If they would drop one of the two, i think they would get a lot more people interested.

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I played many mmos some of the best ones were p2p they quite simply don’t come close to playing any f2p game there is a huge quality and content gap. 15$ a month in all reality is nothing ppl try to justify the money aspect, I rather give money to something that will continue to be better overall then any f2p or b2p mmo on the market.

I think once the skeptical TES players truly see what its like they will change their tune

there is a huge different between a multiplayer sandbox like so many of the fans wish and the endless scripted grindfest what ESO will be , no matter what the developers are claiming there is no sandbox in ESO their own gamedesign and mechanics with their locked factions pretty much killed that concept

tho i 100% agree on your points about p2p and f2p there is indeed a huge different , just look at the content games like WoW or EVE have compared toseveral others , there are indeed a few exceptions like WoT but overall p2p games tend to be much better in quality and content

i do not think the sceptical TES fans will start playing ESO en masse

the game just isn't TES it lacks just about everything what made the TES series so unique

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