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About the Ads


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Nexus doesn't have complete control on the types of ads that run on their sites irrc, though they do try to keep pornographic, loud or spyware ridden ads from displaying. The best way to address an ad that falls into either of those categories is to take a screenshot of the ad, note the company behind it and send a support ticket to Dark0ne using the "contact us" form at the bottom of all Nexus pages.

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Oubliette is correct. The Nexus uses a 3rd-party ad placement service.


Which specific ads you see depends upon your geographic location and the time of day. The Nexus can report particularly obnoxious or inappropriate ones to the service, but we need the details: when did you see it, where (in what region) are you, and for what company or product was it. A screenshot is the most helpful for this last.

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