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Ship builder: Change all occurences of Color A to Color B


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Instead of going in module by module, and changing one or more of the three colors manually - it would be nice to be able to just do a "color modification" that changes all yellow colors to blue, for example.



Double click on a module, and it selects ALL of them. Then you can shuffle colors to your hearts content.

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Double click on a module, and it selects ALL of them. Then you can shuffle colors to your hearts content.


This is not the same.

Imagine that some modules have Color 1 Yellow, and other modules have Color 2 Yellow.


Selecting all modules and changing Color 1 to anything else will ruin the design.


I invest a lot of time in coloring the ship as I like it, but then I want to see how it looks when all Yellows are turned to Red or something else, for example.


To describe it in coding terms:

foreach Module
  foreach Module.ColorSlot
    if color == FromColor
      color = ToColor
Edited by droggo1
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