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I am fairly new to using mods in games, started with Cyberpunk a few weeks ago. Now with patch 2.02 the game will not start with mods. I updated all mods that I could. Is there a way to figure out which mod is stopping the game from running, other than disabling them all and adding them one after another? I mainly have visual mods like the california lighting and stuff like that. Or do I just play without any mods after a patch for a while? I am not complaining in any way, its great to have modders who do such great work! But I guess after a bigger patch you just wait a bit for the modders to catch up, right? ;-)

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hey i have just now inserted all mods individually and checked how and if I can play with mods again. With me there were over 200 mods so it took a while.

- make a backup of your mod files (unless you still have the installation files) then DELETE all dll's and all directories under 100mb to be safe, delete them from the original directory of cp2077 (steam) - as well as the contents so DLL's lower folders etc. of Redmod. Then verify your files. This may take a bit, but still less than if you have to re-download the game.
After that start the game- move the mouse in the main menu, if that works load your last savegame, make a new manual savepoint and quit the game.
At it looks like I have the following mods renewed, because they put the basic construct. Install them FIRST in your tidy directory.
Cyber Engine Tweaks
(mod settings)
After that I added the backup folder again. (If there should be something, which wants to overwrite files, you should SKIP this UNCONDITIONALLY. You don't want to have old files of the constructs back in the folder. Logical or?
Of course it depends on what you use for mods. In general, I can only say that some just no longer work like for me NCPDPPE or Immersive Timeskip. Best you then always go backwards and look at WHERE the mod packs the files and delete them. I sometimes just cleared the R6 cache folder between updates and had Steam verify it.
I hope that something useful was there.
edit: btw easy if you track mods or go to https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/users/myaccount?tab=download+history and filter updated :wink:
Always check the latest "posts" and look at the bug tab (if there is one), if so check the date of the bug post compared to the date of the file update - if the bug was in the past you can just use the mod if there are no recent "posts" messages.
Edited by Henk90
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I just want to know for which updated mod we have to wait since the game isn't starting at all at the moment.


Edit: Since most essential mods have updated, the mod which doesn't work is mod settings (at least for me).


This might not be any help but I've not been able to get mod settings working at all. I needed it to configure a Preem Scanner mod (as there were no configurable files) but ended up giving up after a couple of days. Mod settings, so far (excluding this patch update) is the only mod that has never worked for me from the ones I've tried.

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