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Unable to save.


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Hi all, I can't remember if this is my first post or not, but I guess I'll find out in a moment.


I know that every game has bugs, and I know that FO3 has...a lot. But this is ridiculous.


All of the problems were fixable, but I can't figure this one out. I can't save a new game file. It was working fine until tonight, but I traveled to Megaton, and then I got stuck. I can't fast travel, can't open a door, can't make a new save. I thought it was a corrupted save, so I deleted and reverted, but that didn't help. Then I tried it again and check the saves folder and there's now two TMP files (one from autosave.fos.bak and one from whenever I tried to save) that are just sitting there. The new saves don't get converted into saves, and I get a CTD.


I searched, but I didn't find this problem anywhere, and since it sort of came out of the blue, I'm wondering what's going on.


Edit: Yes, I have a few mods running, and I can get a list if that's at all relevant, but like I said, none of them ever caused any problems before.

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I know this sounds strange, but load your old save, whip out a grenade and blow yourself up. Let the slow mo cam do its thing and automatically reload your game, then try saving. Should fix the problem - always does for me.
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  • 2 weeks later...

WTF?? It works¡¡ suicide is the way¡¡ XD someone should make a list with the weirdest bugs or ways to solve them, seeing this... i dont how many times this game will do such weird things...


Oh, and tehflambo, thank you very much, i think i love you or something.

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Is there anyway to fix this short of suicide on start up? I have the steam version, so I think it's fully updated to patch 1.6. I remember when this problem first started with 1.5 You'd think bethesda would fix it by now.
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