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Problems with Oblivion TES Construction Set


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I've already scoured google for similar issues to what i'm experiencing and either i'm not typing it well enough for google... or it doesn't exist yet.


either way, here's the issue:


I'm starting to get into modding for Oblivion using "The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion Construction Set" (TES:OCS). I started by loading the Oblivion ESM master file, then creating a duplicate instance of the Dremora Claymore, renaming both the name and reference ID to "GodSlayer".


I created a physical instance of the sword in the starting dungeon, where the sword was sticking into the ground (Sword in the Stone, anyone?), then saved my mod as "SwordInStone.eps".


I started the Oblivion launcher, selected the ESM and new EPS files in the Data, then started the game. I created a new character and went to where the sword SHOULD have been... but it was not there. I attempted to call it using the "Player.AddItem" command using the reference ID, which at the time was something like "01000ce6". It failed to find the specified item.


after scouring the net, I saw something about UAC in Vista and Win 7, so I un-installed and re-installed Oblivion to my C:/Games/ directory, thus trying once again the same thing... FAIL.


I then attempted to set all of the programs (TES:OCS, OblivionLauncher.exe, & Oblivion.exe) to run as admin, and once again tried the same thing... FAIL.


being desperate at this point, I downloaded the "bash" program from Nexus and created a new mod.eps file, edited that with TES:OCS, saved, ran.... FAIL.



I am at my wit's end here as to what i should do, or even as to what I am doing wrong... it is such a simple edit that this REALLY shouldn't be happening... can anyone help me out? I just want to enjoy modding my Oblivion game like everyone else!





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I believe there are more than one instance of certain sections of the tutorial dungeon (for example there are sections you can't access during the tutorial that are open when you come back through the other way during a Dark Brotherhood quest). Are you certain the tutorial dungeon cell you are using in the CS is one that you will have access to during the tutorial?


The other thing I have noticed about the meshes used for dungeons is that things will sometimes sink into and through the surface (staves are really bad for sinking through). Try putting your sword in a chest and see if that helps.

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Thanks for the advice, I will try out the chest idea. My only concern however is that as mentioned before, when I tried to summon the sword using the "Player.AddItem" command (using the reference ID num shown in CS) - it would return an error of "item not found".




I tried placing it just outside the sewer exit from after completing the tutorials, however the chest never showed up... I even tried floating the chest in the air, however it still never appeared. I have even gone so far as to edit pre-existing chests throughout Tamriel, but to no avail.


any further advice...?

Edited by daedalus357
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What version number is your game (should be 1.2.0416) and what version of the CS (should be 1.2.0404). If you are using the latest version of the CS but your game isn't version 1.2.0416 then your mod will silently fail to show in the game.


It's the baseID of the item you need, found in the collapsed column in the Object window just to the right of the Editor ID column (says Form ID at the top). The first two digits will not be right in your game though (when editing in the CS Oblivion.esm is 00 and your mod is 01 unless you had more than one master). You need to see where your mod is in the load order and get the hexadecimal number of it's load order (count down in decimal and then use this Binary/Decimal/Hexadecimal Converter to get the hex equivalent ... example the 26th mod will be hex 1A, so your sword would be 1a000ce6).

Edited by Striker879
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What version number is your game (should be 1.2.0416) and what version of the CS (should be 1.2.0404). If you are using the latest version of the CS but your game isn't version 1.2.0416 then your mod will silently fail to show in the game.


It's the baseID of the item you need, found in the collapsed column in the Object window just to the right of the Editor ID column (says Form ID at the top). The first two digits will not be right in your game though (when editing in the CS Oblivion.esm is 00 and your mod is 01 unless you had more than one master). You need to see where your mod is in the load order and get the hexadecimal number of it's load order (count down in decimal and then use this Binary/Decimal/Hexadecimal Converter to get the hex equivalent ... example the 26th mod will be hex 1A, so your sword would be 1a000ce6).





Thank you once again. This makes complete sense as I (stupidly) failed to realized that I am actually running the VANILLA version of Oblivion and using CS 1.2.404 - as you said, silent failure. I will update the game and try once more.


as for the baseID, this also answers the question as to why I am unable to call the item in game. As for the load order, how would I go about checking that?







The difference in versioning was indeed the issue here - I can't believe I overlooked such a simple solution... Anyway, it works like a charm now!

Edited by daedalus357
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For load order you can't use the vanilla game Data Files list ... it's just an alphabetical list. The most reliable way is using Wrye Bash (it will even give you the hexadecimal load order number for your mods). Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) will also give you the load order, but the hex number it gives you only reflects those mods you've activated using OBMM. To get the hex number you need to hover your cursor over the mod (shows in the tool tip pop up). OBMM does show all of you mods in their load order though, so you can count down from the top and use the hex converter I linked. Master files aren't shown though and count in the load order so you have to do some detective work.


You can actually thank DrakeTheDragon for that gem of wisdom though ... everything I know comes from someone else. Good that you're able to mod now!

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