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well, I really don't have the time to help you at all on interiors


It does sound cool, but I'm not currently looking for any mods to work on


I just think makeing some cool Mars building would be a quick and fun thing to do in Max, and probly a good chance to practice texturing and stuff, so I am willing to do that


so tell me once you have figured out the specifics on the size and what you buildings will be used for, and I will make you a couple


I just don't want to start on any Mars super complexes and skyscrapers if all you want is small buildings and mining facilaties and stuff...

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If you think about it, to get a marsy atmosphere going on, all you really need to do is picture the capital wasteland, remove the trees, and paint everything rust red. Any sort of buildings on the other hand, would be very tricky.


The dusty weather setting from the wasteland mood series would work perfectly, and I'd be willing to bet that Mothership Zeta would help greatly.

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Makarov, write a script outlining the areas the player will visit. Out of that script, list what areas needs to be built, what characters and weapons needs to be made. This will be your draft design document.


After you have that, you can try making cells, weapons and characters from existing fallout assets while you have other modders do specific meshes. That way, you'll get the project going nicely.


Don't hesitate to learn the ins and outs of the GECK. It's easier than you think. :)

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ok ive just finished typing up my script Im going to try to learn to connect cells



I'm going to kick off the project with the name of phobos


This is going to be the first mod I will have ever made for nexus


If anybody still has doom 3 and has the ability to post screenshots on the base's layout or pictures of the external structure it would be much appreciated

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I'd be willing to bet that Mothership Zeta would help greatly.


That's the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this. Well, second actually. First was the downed space-craft where you find the Alien Blaster. If someone could rig up that lil alien body that you find there with some animations and whatnot...lol, that would be sweet. Then again, Geonox' Alien Race is pretty cool too.


Though, the way this thread is heading, it sounds like you're more interested in some DOOM/Deadspace type poo rather than aliens >.<


A re-color of TheOutbreaks WMS dust climate is also a bad-ass idear.


Kind of excited to see if anything comes of this ^^

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Im hoping to get this to be something cooler than anyone could imagine but it might take awhile because going to try to reconstruct mars city and undercity possibly more I have to get more familiar with the geck first though
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