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cheat perk if any 1 wands to make them


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1th/ more resistance perks for radation fire en posion

2th/ 2th en 3th lvl packrad to make junk even lighter

3th/ 2th en 3th rank education for more skillpionts per lvl

4th/ new perk ore trait for survieval like more meat en aid items from beasts en plants

5th/ new perk for natural armor like subdurmal armor in plants maby 3 ranks like 10 ar per rank

6th/ new inplants like nanites for healing / artificial tendons 15% 30% 45% resistance to brakelimp damage

(jump higher fall from higher) / artificial eyes like boone rex en ede's perks in / 1 stealth field inplant

7th/ new trait cald lucky bastard give you 50% more luck whout raising luck stat

8th/ new trait cald wasteland bastard giving you 100% crit devence en giving you a 25 damage reduction en

30% rad fire energy en posion resistance

9th/ same ase above but a perk white 10% resistance per rank 3 ranks

10th/ new perk marksman increased range for all ranged weapons

11th/ new perk scrapvendor robots drop more loot 4 times as more

12th/ new perk shaolin iron fist trained unarmed atecks disarmes you enemys if this is even poseble

13th/ new perk shaolin iron skin 40% damage reduction

14th/ new perk shaolin iron will ap regens 60 % faster (maby all the shaolin perks in to 1)

15th/ new perk shaolin shadow less puch 40% unarmed speed

16th/ new perk shadow ops agent sneaking is 100% more sucksesfull



if you have any more idees ore have any comendt feel free to add them also no coments on my English plz

hope any off these ore all are made bb en have fun

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