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Cheater Killers


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He meant he doesn't want anyone to use the console, aka "cheat menu" as he likes to call it, I think. :P If you need to further question what he means please continue the conversation via PM rather than filling the thread with one-liners. Thanks.
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What, precisely, counts as cheating is an open question. For instance, some people use COC instead of fast-travel or walking...but they could get where they were going anyway. DISABLEing something might be a cheat, but not necessarily (there's a candle-stand in the Redoran Smith in Vivec that I always disable). There're often times when FIXME or TCL are necessary, either because of poor design, or game glitches. If someone wants to do something cheatish, that's up to them.
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Im not Trying to Stop every one from cheating

I want this mod to be made becuse my brother's Friend comes over to play morrowind he always cheats


I just need help on Making the script

Like type in the cheat of Seting Health or Skill

then bam he's in vulnerable killing every one on the game with a coky attiude saying he can beat my character

I play morrowind Far and Square with no cheats

So me and y brother are trying to stop him from cheating

he said if i have a mod that gets rid of cheaters then he will play morrowind without Cheats

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