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Restore armory contents if it doesn't change


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In the ship builder, if you change something, even externally, then any items in containers get put in the cargo. That makes using the armory habs fairly useless unless you never plan to make any changes at all to a ship. Unless the armory itself changes, it'd be great if the contents were saved and reapplied instead of clearing them. As it is I just dump all my weapons and armor which are with me on the ship in the cargo container and leave them there.


The ship is reset, clutter reapplied, doors all closed, etc. if anything at all is changed. Maybe a SFSE mod could save the list of items and container references and take them out of storage again to reapply during the "clutter" phase? Probably not so simple.

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In the ship builder, if you change something, even externally, then any items in containers get put in the cargo. That makes using the armory habs fairly useless unless you never plan to make any changes at all to a ship. Unless the armory itself changes, it'd be great if the contents were saved and reapplied instead of clearing them. As it is I just dump all my weapons and armor which are with me on the ship in the cargo container and leave them there.


The ship is reset, clutter reapplied, doors all closed, etc. if anything at all is changed. Maybe a SFSE mod could save the list of items and container references and take them out of storage again to reapply during the "clutter" phase? Probably not so simple.

Yeah, I went thru a lot of effort to clean my ship, only to discover that if I so much as change the color of something, everything gets reset...... Highly Annoying. I would LOVE to see a mod/plugin/whathaveyou that remembers what you have where, and what you DON'T have any more...... and puts stuff where it should be. (captains locker for instance.....)

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I hope there's a way to tell automatically placed clutter from whatever was added by the player. Fingers crossed, someday. That goes for custom furnishings in the ships too :smile: Or at least containers.

My take on it is: If it's there when you start modding the ship (on a per session basis) it should STILL be there when you finish. :D So, anything on tables, etc, is still there, things in displays/containers should also still be there.

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