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Am I cursed?


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Ok, I can't take it anymore! None of the 'Peaceful Cliffracer mods' are working for me. I've downloaded 2 different Passive cliffracer mods, yet I'm still attacked all the time by cliffracers. Anyone know why this may be? I've successfully used mods before so I'm not a newbie plugins, Currently I have 20+ plugins working in my game. Are there any mods that may overwrite the Passive cliffracers? I also have a Cowardly Slaughterfish mod that supposedly keeps me from being attacked by slaughter fish, but that doesn't appear to work either. Does the Adventurer Mod overwrite these, or perhaps another mod? The cliffracer's are so annoying that it's making Morrowind very unenjoyable at the moment.


If anyone can end my curse, I will give them 100 gold, how's that?

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Pfffft... get rid of those bastards entirely. Download "No Cliff Racers" it comes with three different *.esp files, one of which utterly ELIMINATES them. Period.


Well damn... the only place I could find this plug-in for you was a site that requires an account, and the site is in Italian. Is that a problem for you?? Laugh... If it is, let me know and I can email you the plug-in... compressed it's only about 1Meg, IIRC, so e-mailing it shouldn't be a problem if you decide you want it.

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Yo Baph, just in case you forgot, I could use that no cliff racer mod link if you get the chance. I found a no cliff racer mod on the net but it was only 1KB, not the 1mb one you mentioned, and it didn't remove them from the game. I noticed your previous post on mods that you use and I have a nearly identical plugin setup as you.


Plugins I'm using:


Astarsis Beauty Mods.

Cait's Creatures.

Aventurers Advanced NPC's.

Landscape Re-texture 1.0.

NPC Replace 3.0

Cowardly Slaughterfish( doesn't work )

No Cliff racer ( doesn't work )

I also have Tribunal and Bloodmoon.


Send me that link for the mod if you are able to, I'd greatly appreciate it.

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Hey Miltonic... I e-mailed you the plug-in for Cliff Racer removal. The "Read-Me" file that comes with the plug-in explains how to use it... basically you just need to unzip ONE of three *.esp files included to your Data Files folder. It doesn't get much easier than that! PM or e-mail me though, if you run into trouble.


And yeah, the zip-file is just a tad over 3Kb... not 1Mb. Laugh... don't know where my head was when I typed THAT up!



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