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Can't figure out how to properly tag my mod for leveled list bashed patches


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So I made a mod that alters NPC leveled lists, and Wrye Bash tells me it doesn't have the proper relev/delev tags. I know other mods also alter the same leveled lists. I tried to run the built-in xEdit script that tells you what tags to apply, as well as another newer one I got from github, but it always tells me I don't need tags.


Does that mean my mod will be compatible with other mods that alter the same leveled lists, or am I missing something? My understanding was that any and all references to the same leveled list had to be merged together or one mod's edit would always override the others. Have I misunderstood how this works?

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When building a bashed patch, leveled lists are automatically included. The relev / delev tags are used to tell Wrye Bash how to handle the contents of leveled lists from that specific plugin. If your plugin is removing entries, use delev to ensure that they stay removed. If your plugin is adding entries, use relev to ensure the list is properly re-leveled with your additions. It is possible to not use tags for your leveled list(s). To determine if you need a specific tag, you'd need to examine the bashed patch results to see how your list is affected by other mods affecting the same list.


With or without tags, as long as a bashed patch is created, your leveled list will be compatible (in a technical manner) with other mods affecting the same leveled list.

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Okay, I was under the impression that the mods in the right panel in Wrye Bash were the only mods being affected by the bashed patch, but after actually looking at the resulting bashed patch in xEdit, I can see that mine is included after all. (And doesn't actually need relev/delev tags?)


The first mod I was testing with exclusively adds entries, so I don't think there was even a conflict (when I try to make a bashed patch with it nothing happens). Am I correct in my assumptions that If one or more of the two mods only adds entries to a leveled list, does that mean there would be no conflict? I was assuming leveled lists were much more rigid than they actually are. Am I on the right track?


EDIT: Never mind, I stayed up all night just to find out i need to make a little folder called BashTags with a text file in it. Thanks for your help.

Edited by Morek01
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