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Map Marker Overhaul stopped working


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Hello forum


I have done my homework with this problem but am unable to find a solution anywhere. I have looked on the posts for MMO and Pluggy but cannot find anything similar to my experience.


So along with many other mods I installed Map Marker Overhaul. Had played prob about 40+ hours all working well, I had cutomized tagged markers in place and then for some reason unknown to me, I was unable to customize map markers anymore. The markers I had already named and customized are still there on the map, but effectively the mod has stopped working. I had not at that time installed anything to conflict with it I don't recall, although I made a change to the Pick Me mod. I have reinistalled MMO and Pluggy but to no avail. I have checked to make sure OBSE is working and it is. I am very much a beginner modder so am clutching at straws. I do have Oblivion Reloaded Combined installed, but this has been for some time prior to the fault.

Does anyone know how I could identify the problem? MMO is a great mod and am very much missing it.


Any advice would be very appreciated.

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This isn't a suggestion specific to your MMO problem as much as my own troubleshooting process.


I try not to make more than one change at a time (or at least less than a handful if they are all related). If my testing post change turns up something then it's a simple matter to undo my change and see if it was at fault.


Troubleshooting is a process of elimination ... starting with the obvious and digging beyond that when required.


Specific to the MMO issue ... I see in Map Marker Overhaul.ini that the Insert key (default code 210) can be changed. Check that setting to insure it is in fact what you were previously using (the INI gives a link to the possible key codes available). In addition the next section of the INI allows you to make a Shift Alt or Ctrl required to set a marker (default is zero for no Shift Alt or Ctrl modifier).


You can also look through the Various Settings sections to see if any might apply to your situation (I see one that controls backup options for Map Markers for instance).

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Hi Striker


Thanks for replying


So prior to MMO ceasing to work, I had not opened Map Marker Overhaul.ini and had not adjusted any settings. Subsequently I did venture in there and looked at the options and tried alternatives with no success. I have restored all .ini settings to their original default settings.


I've checked the settings you highlighted and they at default, which is what they were when MMO was working as I had not changed anything in the .ini file.


two this I'm noticing...


1. So when I have made changes to a .ini setting to test, there are parts of the map that disappear until I restore it to deafult. For example, when I have changed options for Oblivion gates to either auto or manual, enhanced graphics disappear like the river graphics north east of Skingrad and also any minor road networks. As well as that the zoom features disappear and reappear after restting to default. Could this gitch be a Dynamic Map issue? In my Wrye Bash Installer tab, there are no indications of conflicts or missing files.


2. I loaded a really early save game, the 'changes have been made' icon appears on load up and the MMO features are working. Would this indicate a potential mod conflict since that save? How could I identify mods that might conflict i.e. are mods that use pluggy or OBSE more likely to conflict?



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Pluggy and OBSE won't conflict ... they are required for MMO to work (at least for all of the features to work you need Pluggy if I recall correctly).


Has Dynamic Map always been used alongside MMO or is it a more recent addition?


That an early save doesn't show the problem has me wondering if you have something causing problems baked into your save (or more likely the OBSE co-save). If that is the case the only option I can suggest is to go back through your Saves until you find the most recent one that doesn't have the problem and continue your game from that good save.


When you say river graphics disappeared do you mean from the map or in the game?

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Yes Dynamic Map installed right at the start.


I was concerned you might say that about resuming an earlier save. I tend to overwrite saves and have none recently that MMO works okay with. As much as I like MMO I don't think I could lose so much game time progress.


The river graphics on the map ie. this map image is off the Dynamic Map mod page and shows River Ethe to the West (sorry I earlier said East) of Skingrad. It's the in game Dynamic map not the game that when I adjust MMO settings loses the river graphics altogether along with minor road indicators and the zoom feature. Haven't checked but the image of river Ethe on the map is it a Dynmaic Map addition to the Vanilla Map?



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Yeah that's a mod added feature.


I'm not familiar with MMO or UL so I can't say anything about their compatibility. Did you have that river showing up on the map with both UL and MMO before and then it stopped working?


I understand where you are coming from regarding not wanting to go back to your last 'good' save. There are two areas of Tamriel I can no longer enter (the game just completely locks up when I try to enter these areas). I have 'troubleshooted the heck' out of the problem to no avail but didn't want to go back to my save from before the problem started ... and I save regularly and never overwrite. So I have my detours and have kept going with my current character (7259 playing hours and still counting).

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I have had UL and their equivilent patches installed since the start which hadn't affected MMO. The river disappearance seems to happen when I make .ini changes to MMO, when I reset to default the disappeared map graphics including the river Ethe reappear. It might be completely unrelated to the element of MMO that has stopped working.


In fairness i'm not being wholly accurate when I say MMO isn't working, all the additional landmark icons appear and also when I close an Oblivion Gate the icon changes which I'm presuming are indicators of MMO working to an extent. What isn't working is the option to customise a tag on a landmark using ctrl/click which I've made efforts to adjust in the .ini without success. Not to worry I've not experienced your glitch which sounds more extremely frustrating. I hope one day you find a solution.


Haha 7000+ hours thats crazy! haha I actually whilst looking for answers previously found a reply you sent to someone on one of the Nexus Mod posts and I think you were saying back then you were on 1500 hours. These games just take over especially after I found you could mod Elder Scrolls games OMG! Up until a couple of years ago, I had only ever played vanilla Morrowind and had always set myself a time limit to bring the game to an end and delete it from my life. The problem I've got now is I've probably spent more hours reading and trying to mod Oblivion that I'll never be able to delete it all the work I've done. I'll somehow have to learn how to tap out and forget it somehow. I remember reading an article that James Mcavoy the actor had to physically destroy the cd rom as he was addicted to Oblivion when it first came out.

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Addiction is a strong word, so I won't apply it to myself, but I guess it would be fair to say I'm enjoying my current character's mod list (though in all fairness the previous two characters had well over the thousand hours threshold ... that's the point where the reported game play hours wrap back to zero and start counting up again). Athal Sarano has been with me since early in November 2014.


I wonder if one of your recent mod additions changed your keyboard in game assignments, so your Crtl click doesn't do what it used to. Look for a mod lower in your load order than MMO.

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