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New Ship Vendor for Player Imported Ships


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Not even sure this will ever be possible but there are some fantastic player made ships out there, would be great to add a vendor or the ability to import a players ship instead of using their save at this point. Just seems pointless to load their save unless I am missing something. Valheim let you import players builds into your world would be great with the ability to do the same with player created ships.

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Not even sure this will ever be possible but there are some fantastic player made ships out there, would be great to add a vendor or the ability to import a players ship instead of using their save at this point. Just seems pointless to load their save unless I am missing something. Valheim let you import players builds into your world would be great with the ability to do the same with player created ships.

You can bet that a mod of this nature will be forthcoming, shortly after the tools are released. (sometime next year) Just like settlement blueprints for FO4, we will certainly get them for ships, and possibly outposts as well.

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That would be really nice to have. There's something about this game, I keep getting crazy ideas for mods/additions to the game.......Wild Bill's House of Ships! Come on down for the best selection of custom ships in the know Universe!

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