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Updated Profile changes made via the Forum are not being reflected on the Mod-side of the site


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Changes made to user profiles via the forum do not seem to be communicated to the mod-side of the site. I noticed this yesterday when I changed my settings for Country.

Since the effects of the major migration are still being felt, I thought it just might need some additional time to update, but my profile on Nexus Mods still says United Kingdom, whereas the forum profile says United States.

I ran another test (you can see it on my forum profile: Testing. 1. 2. 3.) about ten minutes or so ago, and the mod-side of the site still does not feature any of the updated information. There might be more things it's not sending over, but those are the two areas I checked.

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This is expected. Your forum profile is now entirely separate from your website profile. 


You can edit your site profile here: https://users.nexusmods.com/?_gl=1*16ct440*_ga*MTM0MTQzNzIzMC4xNjY4NTA1NDI5*_ga_N0TELNQ37M*MTcwMDcyNjc4Mi4xNjAuMS4xNzAwNzI3NjUwLjAuMC4w

We are aware the "About me" section is not currently editable. 

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1 hour ago, tikamin557 said:

Will the "About me" section of the user page be editable in the near future?

I hope they will be. If I had realized that they would have become so utterly locked in place, I would have made certain changes before the migration.

As it stands, my mod-side profile is frozen in a time when my grandmother was still alive and had every hope of walking again. She died this morning.

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  • 10 months later...
8 hours ago, JohhnyY said:


There still is no editing the profile outside the forum

Why would you break something so simple people

I have no idea what you're referring to. Do you realise this thread is 10 months old so the subject the OP raised probably isn't relevant anymore? 

The "About Me" on the website and the "About Me" on the forum are entirely separate, but both can be edited. 


Please make a new thread accurately describing your issue for further help. 

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