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Need navmesh experts help


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8 hours ago, greekrage said:

You have to extend the navmesh as much as possible   and as close to the door as you can.  and then FINALIZE

what will happen if i move a door to a differnt place which is not navmeshed?

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7 hours ago, greekrage said:

NPC's and followers cant get to it...


the place the transition is targeting to or the door?

im seriously asking because i see various vanilla doors without any navmesh attached.

Edited by Qrsr
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doors dont need navmesh....

Navmesh is always on the surface a NPC walks on... Hence if the door is a trigger to teleport the npc has to be able to touch it....

OFC there are other types of triggers like spheres that teleport  you if you get to a certain proximity of the target....

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If i click finalize the Navmesh attaches to that door... right? so what if i dont finalize...? would this cause NPCs to stuck where they are ? or would they just be forced to teleport to the targeted cell just like the player char?

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Always finalize... It literally takes 3 secs...

Why not do it ?

If the navmesh goes close enough to the door/target so npc can interact...No finalizing isnt an issue..BUT since i personally finalize all my work i havent tested it.

Edited by greekrage
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1 hour ago, niston said:

If the door's destination marker is not linked to navmesh (yellow triangle), NPC will not be able to navigate - even if they can reach the door.
For linking, finalization is required.

hmm so i assume all the doors destination marker not on top of the navmesh (yellow, final triangle) in the vanilla game are buggen then?

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