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  1. Once im adding coordiantes to Exterior LOD Worldspace nothing will change. The Render Window will not show the new location and ingame there is the default location 0,0,0 also. What am i missing? I want to change the location of some of the current vanilla cells but for some reason it doesnt work... ?
  2. You could do this without scripts, use the explosion to spawn an object, like the mirelurk queen eggs ... then use a leveled NPC list to collect all the actors you would like to have as possible spawns. the actor base will use the leveld NPC actor list as template and therefore the spawned NPC will use the appearance of one of the actors in that list as well as any other template you have attached. done.
  3. Alright turns out DefaultUnlockLinkOnActivate is using a Keyword, well i remember using it already with no success. Some more details to what will happen in the Min03 quest: Alright i managed to do it finally using DefaultActivateLinkedRefOnActivate on the button by referencing the door using LinkActivate as keyword and it works like a charm even better using the ToggleButtonScript with LinkCustom1 or else keyword as well ... Thanks SKKmods for stepping in otherwise i wouldnt work on the mod today
  4. I will. Thanks. YOu know what drives me crazy is the fact that forcing the game (without running th Min03 quest) to set the global to 1 will not actually make the Button01 work. I remember in vanilla (i will never do any MM quest again, lol) that once i did the quest with Ronny Shaw she actually openeded the Armory Door and once she did it player char could do it over and over again. I could bet it was and is tied to the Global but in fact it is not i suppose. Im not done with checking the Story Manager Nodes maybe its somewhere there. It was for the Artillery in fact which can be forced to use if the Nodes have been altered.
  5. Cool thanks. Any way to do it with vanilla (Default) scripts? or workarounds?
  6. Im having trouble to activate the steel door without using the quest, somehow Quest:Min02 forces Ronnie Shaw to use/activate the ToogleButton which then opens the steel door. Adding an alternative button door setup will not work either. The button is linked via EnableParent to the activator door. Setting the button as "LinkedReference" does not work either.The Castle steel door eventhough is setup as a Default2StateActivator somehow does work differently. It has a Global attached to it and a Collision keyword: TwoStateWithGlobalActivator replacing it with a Default2StateActivator didnt do the trick either. Turns out the ToggleButtonScript did the trick by referecing the Button with the Armory Door. Then add a LinkActivate keyword to both. Done.
  7. Good find. Sounds like worthy to include to UFO4P.
  8. These obejcts may reappear because of scripts, or else. Override them with a 0 bound replacer object of the same type. create a static object without any model and replace the object of choice. this will force the game to 95% of the time to not show the old object. if the old object appears still you must track down the calling reference which might be a script. if so, you may want to override the reference in that script. check your changes using FO4Edit and search for [Placed Object] tag, these object overrides must be deleted. since they tend to break the game (PreVis, precombines).
  9. Im having trouble to force the game to remove the actor flag "Respawn" for Lvl and Enc prefixed Actors/NPCs. Once i start editing in the CK the flag will never be removed, instead CK applies the flag again. It looks like hardcoded magic. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  10. Faction. Study the base factions, and reverse engineer the entire thing, drag drop the "friendly" faction to the factions of interest.
  11. Hey M00NC0BBLER i managed to collect all the rad barrel hazards and merged them into one single rad hazard base reference which one can modify. Vanilla uses all kinds of different radius / units per rad barrel. Example: RadiationHazard0256 - 12.0 RadiationHazard0512 - 24.0 RadiationHazard0768 - 36.0 RadiationHazard1024 - 48.0 RadiationHazard1536 - 72.0 RadiationHazard2048 - 96.0 Most of the time its somewhere between 256 and 768. The mod can be found here: Radioactive Barrel Effect
  12. From my research you can disable almost all of the default room marker and portals. Especially with current hardware even with an integrated graphics card (iGPU) you wont notice any difference. If BGs would have disabled all their mists (which is almost totally removed in NukaWorld interios btw), interior cells would have been much more stable already. Precombines and PreVis is also most of the time totally useless and interior cells and hinder modders to decorate the cells.
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