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Question on conditioning dialogue based on earlier dialogue


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Hi! I want to condition dialogue options based on whether an earlier dialogue options were chosen. I want to do this a lot over multiple conversations, so I've created a script with a set of simple functions that can 1. set a bool to true when a certain dialogue option is chosen, and 2. reset the bool so it's prepped for use again later.

However, I'm missing a crucial component: I don't know how to create a condition that will only display a dialogue option based on DialogueOptionChosen = true. 

Here's my script. Any ideas? Also glad to hear if someone has an even simpler idea for how to do this.


Scriptname MyMod01:ConditionalDialogueScript extends Quest Conditional

Bool Property DialogueOptionChosen Auto

Function SetDialogueChosen()
    DialogueOptionChosen = true

; Reset the dialogue option status
Function ResetDialogueOptionChosen()
    DialogueOptionChosen = false


Edited by 15gudasc
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