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Make NPC Change Faction When Injured


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I've worked out how to make an attacking NPC stop attacking using SetFactionRank and StopCombat commands in a result script and now I'm trying to work out if it's possible to script an NPC or add a result script to a quest stage/topic so they change faction when their health reaches a certain threshold such as 10% remaining. When they have 10% remaining they will change faction which alongside the stop combat command will make a hostile attacking NPC suddenly become non-hostile, holster their weapon and can be engaged in conversation while they execute their AI packages. Is that possible? Thanks!

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In the mod NPCs Yield their confidence and or aggression are temporarily reduced. The low confidence makes them flee (so no interaction is possible) but the aggression drop can allow interaction. It also adds other options.

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There are two versions available ... the original by kuertee and the Refined version by Quabla. The Refined version has even more factors affecting the chances for yielding.

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