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MASTERFILE: "MyModName.esp" is not a valid TES file.


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Received the above error message when loading into the CK. It loads all masters and plugins except for "MyModName.esp" even if I have it selected. This is interesting, because I was working on the plugin earlier today without problems.

The only thing that's happened since then is that I have been converting DDS files to TGA and placing them in the Data folder system, attempting to generate LOD for objects that were missing the appropriate files. 

Anyone else experience this error before? I thankfully have a backup from yesterday, if all else fails.


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Tried both, no dice. Interestingly, when selecting which files to load in the CK, it no longer recognizes any .esm's as parent masters, though it requires all of them.

I'm not sure what else I might search for in Fo4Edit or elsewhere to address this issue-maybe the file's just corrupted?

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According to the Creation Kit the .esp file is corrupted. If other files can be opened normally (including the backup) then unfortunately it's likely the CK is right.

Which program did you use to edit the last time? FO4Edit or the Creation Kit? Which version? Does the mod crash the game if you try to load it?

Edited by LarannKiar
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I last used the Creation Kit, version, to modify it. Trying to load it, I got the same error message in the Vortex launcher: Mod isn't a valid TES file. After which, even if I have the mod activated and installed, it doesn't load. I'm guessing that's because, yup, it would crash the game.

It sounds like you're right, that this is a case of corruption. If it's of any interest to anyone, here's the .esp file: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2kaxbfns433m4qidlocnj/LandGodMadeinAngerNOTWORKING.esp?rlkey=590ypsjwu1bfk9bjac0y19t2s&dl=0



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