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Did CK just die for anyone else with a new update?


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I don't know what happened but my CK was working fine yesterday and today. Nothing! Won't even try to launch. No error. Nothing! In Steam the green "Launch" button turns blue for a split second. Then turns back to green "Launch" again. I tried installing CK on an secondary old computer that never had Skyrim or CK on it. Same behavior. Nothing! The steam forum for CK has a few people saying there may have been an update. I don't know how to check if I got it but I would guess so.

Anyone here know anything? If so, how to fix it?

I am honestly PANICKING! I have been working on a map every day for the past year straight! Steam says I have logged 1000hrs on it. I was 99.9% done and hoping to release for Christmas. Now... Nothing?!? Feels like having my lungs ripped out. 😞

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Yes the ck is dead. Not sure why

I prevented the update to happen for my game but I forgot about the creation kit. Damned. Whenever you find a fix, a way to revert, please let me know, I  will do the same on my part.

Thanks mate

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