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Would upgrading my graphics card make enbs run better?

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I'm playing with a mere 2gb graphics card. I've been thinking of starting a youtube series showing me trying to 100% the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod. For this, I would probably need to run the best graphics I can manage. I was thinking, if I'm going to go through so much trouble, why not record it for posterity? Besides, I could use the money anyway.

I'll be playing Legendary Edition (though I may do s#*! Edition after I'm done with that), which means I will only have 32 bits. This means I can't use more than a little over 4k of RAM. I would assume the same would hold true for a graphics card?

I have read that upgrading the graphics card can allow you to run higher res textures without experiencing crashes or other issues. I wonder though if this would have the same effect on an ENB? I would love to run an ENB, but all of them take off far too many frames; even the most performance friendly ones eat 10~15 fps. Most though take off over 30 or even 40 fps, which is clearly unacceptable. I want to make my game look as beautiful as possible for my series. Would investing in a new graphics card help with that?

If matters, I want to run Antique Dragon enb. Right now I have well over 4k gb of ram (I think its like 8gb). My graphics card is a geforce gtx 1050 ti. It only has 2gb of vram, as I said. If I got something with over 4gb, would that let me run this enb? Or am I going to have to settle for 2k textures with a more modest enb?

Also, I have an i5 intel processor. Don't know more specifics of it though. I did load a save once with a museum that was 99% complete, and my pc WAS able to handle it. I could even go into the armory, though it did make the loading screen take longer than usual. Now that I have an ssd, that may be mitigated now.

Edited by InDarkestNight
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A better graphics card will always run graphics better. 🙂 I am unsure if a 32 bit application would be able to make full use of more than 4GB of VRAM though, I know it can't use any more system ram than 4gb..... But, you play other games too, right? That 2gb card will REALLY be holding you back on more recent titles.

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32 bits is 2^32, which comes out to 4,294,967,296 bits. That's close to 300 mb over 4 gb, or close to 1/3 a gb. That's why I need to get a graphics card with more than 4gb on it. Its necessary to get the most out of this game. Besides, I may play SE again someday (assuming the Beyond Skyrim project ever releases, though I was thinking of playing chanterelle or other new lands mods just so I don't have to deal with the desecrating AE update, or maybe for a LotD v5 playthrough). There's not really a limit to how much ram s#*! Edition can use. That would be 2**64. That would be 18,446,744 TERABYTES. Obviously, no such ram exists that large. I'd probably have to increase my RAM too, and maybe get a faster processor. If I make money doing a playthrough of LotD on youtube, I may at least be able to afford these upgrades.

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1GB is 1024MB..... There is essentially no limit to how much RAM a 64 bit OS can support. There IS, however, a limit to how much RAM your proc, and mainboard can support. Install too much... and weird things happen. 😄 So, don't do that. (there is also likely a per slot RAM limit..... don't ask how I learned that one.)

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