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Mod recommendations for fallout 4?


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Hi, I'm looking forward to replay fallout 4 over the holidays once again, but I thought about modding it a bit this time to spice things up. And I was hoping to get some recommendations from more seasoned modders here. Cause I have no idea what are some mods worth to get or which ones are still up to date.

(I am not looking to upgrade the graphics or to add some weird stuff into the game that would not match the general feel of Fallout.)


I'm more interested in adding some perks, weapons, attachments, quests, new areas, monsters and maybe fixing a few things(Altho I'm not sure what gameplay fixes there are, but I'm open to them. Or if there are any performance fixes those would be great as well).

I'm also open to make the game more survival/horror like if possible.


So can I please get some recommendations? 


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Hi there!

Some mods I recommend:













https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/76048 (and it's dependencies)















https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/59309 (and it's dependencies)












You can start with these.

Please read the installation instructions of all of then, and be careful with the load order of the plugins.



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I have about 3300 hrs in the game with a total of 600 mods about half of them enabled at any given time and I am happy to give you my input.

Also as a 25 year Army NCO and Officer I have my own view of what kind of mods make sense to me.

I tend not to download or play anything thats too nonsensical.

(and excuse my typos ahead of tyime please.I will type fast my grandkids need attention 😄 )

First the real simple ones:

1) weapons there are tons of weapons mods but many of them are carbon copies of current weapons which I believe does not fit the fallout universe

I recommend Neeher's weapons mods, they feature handguns, rifles and heavy guns that are well animated and look very "fallouty" if you forgive that term

My favorite is:

the Select Assault rifle https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46234

When you get it first, its specs are identical to the "short Combat rifle" except chambered in 5.56 , but it looks very much like you'd expect an M4 or CAR15 look like in the fallout universive.

Its receiver looks thicker, it has a left side charging handle like the G3 and AK. my recommendation is to do right out of the vault, console command yourself one basic copy.  if u dont know console command : "~help select 4 weap"  and then "player.additem xxxxxx" (whatever code shows up). without the quotation marks.

I often give myself 10 of these to hand out to settlers or even to DC guards (guards via console Command ~openactorcontainer 1)  they look so much more proper for the guards of the wealthiest settlement to wield. Once you find the source of the rifle at S. Boston military Checkpoint ( a basement trapdoor on the side) you can craft them yourself in numbers unlimited.

Perfect to arm all your settlement guards with an effective (and good looking) weapon.

The rifle is very upgradable as your skill progresses and gun nut level 3 and even more so at 4, you can turn this into a powerful LMG capable of end game level of performance. It starts out not OP but is upgradable you can run them the entire game. I find the "burst receiver" especially powerful ( and its still acted on by the rifleman perk, only the automtic recivers are acted on my Commando perk)

Here is one of my settlers holding  a slightly weapons bench modded version of it:


Here is Preston holding a late game LMG made with gun level 4 skill from this weapon:



2) Armor : There are fantastic armor paint jobs. I have a couple of packs downloaded but this one is by far my favorite:


It includes among others the excellent german Flecktarn which optically actually does really blend in the COmmonwealth and in Far harbor.

And it looks great making your powerarmor look more brutal and like a real tool of war








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You might also try this one. Boat load of modifications (provided you meet the pertaining perks/perk levels):
Factor - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/32908


Load accellerator - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10283
Works fine on my end, immensly decreases loading time (fast travelling/entering another “cell”).

Another fine mod (imo):
Equipment and Crafting Overhaul (ECO) – Redux - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/67679

As mentioned earlier (Erierth), reading the mod descriptions/installation instructions is highly recommended.

Happy modding, Merry Christmas

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Environement : There are two mods that really stand out.

Atomic World which adds tons of realsitic locations mostly small ones (but a couple large ones as well to include a supermutant occupied city in the glowing sea, comeplete with ghoul invested subway system!).

But most locations are small and are realistically either uninhabited or inhabitant by hostiles or friendlies. This includes 2 locations were a couple of Minutemen remnants are trying to protect a store in one case and a road in another. (They are very low level so to kepe them alive, I always give them neeher assault rifles with improvements and armor, otherwise on occaison they have been killed when I stop by to check on them - realism))

While there are a couple of other mods that attempt the same this one is the most polished one with the most content; I will never do another playthrough without this



Here is a pic of Atlas city in the glowing sea (with a mushroom forest mod on it as well)



A Forest: Adds lots of trees. Now the CW actually looks postapocalytically overgrown as it should. Really adds tons of atmosphere. I never play without it anymore.




Sometimes when I tire  a bit of the T series armors I get myself Neehers SE-01 armor. This is an excellent armor that in protection values falls between the T60 and the X-01 and you can get it relatively early in the game ( as soon as u are strong enought to travel to Nahant, there you will find the armor and some fusion cores for it in  a novice locked basement hidden behind a bush



The only reason I sometimes dont run the SE-01 is some armor mods I like dont "hook into" it. 

Damage threshold mod, so not every roach or dog can bite through your steel+ ceramic armor (this one does not act on SE-01)


Also so your armors dont break so often anymore : more durable power armor reduces breakage by 75% (with install options for 50% or 90%); this one does act on SE-01.





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Power armor Night vision (works with SE-01 also)

Pick a hot key and swicth on night vision. No need to give away your postion via  alight anymore. And it makes sense right? a technology that can design and produce Power armor surely can integrate night vison:


Also here is a pic of me in SE-01 fighting a deathclaw in the glowing sea (using Neehers heavy Select Shitgun)






The rock star of new lands mods is Zorkaz and I will show his files (though there are other good ones as well)

If you just want to spend some time exploring in a well made world 

The Farmlands (lots of seeds for your settlments grwoing everywhere, workshops availalable too)


The Marshlands. Has a quest that starts in diamond city , beautiful worlsspace and the music is just incredible:


And of coruse the WIlderness.

Huge worldspace breft of hyumans but full of abadones houses. Why did they leave?Its for you to figure out.





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here is a really neat and HUGE Bunker; Nordic Europa

I dont think I ever got to every nook and cranny. First time I entered I could not find the access to the main area just explored the firast couple of levels and left thinking "oh neat dungeon". Came back later an discovered extra access I missed to the lower levels, and how big it really is. Lore friendly and very Fallouty as well.



here is a pic of  a follower of mine negotiating some stairs to go deeper down in this bunker.

You will notice his T45 is in Flecktarn and we both carry improved versions of Neehers Select Assault rifle.

It really is that good. Receivers can be changed to 38 SPC ( for ammo access) and at level gunNut4 to 45 for extra oomph)


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Oh and I almost forget.

the best quest mod of them all:

Xander's Aid.

Basically the size of a DLC and nearly as polished almost no bugs at all:

Has some of the best loot in the game but you have to find it (which is not trivial)


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