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Warmaiden's Freezing Issue


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I have a game-breaking bug in my installation. 

Whenever I enter Warmaiden's the game freezes.  Not crashes.  Just freezes with audio.  It loads the room and object and sometimes an NPC dialogue line even plays.  But it always immediately freezes with continuous ambient audio.  I got a similar freeze from memory issues in Riften, but that shouldn't be happening in a tiny cell like Warmaiden's.

Not sure what it is, but I have disabled most things that modify weapons or their models.  I've disabled SMIM and clutter mods.  I've disabled WACCF and ACE, and a million patches.  I've disabled Sound Mods.

I spawned Ulfberth in qasmoke, so it's not his AI.  Something in that place is breaking my game.  I'm guessing it's an object or some weird weapon/armor placed there or added to the merchant list.  But again, his AI was fine when spawned elsewhere.

I'm disabling Embers XD now to keep investigating.

Posting here in desperation if anyone wants to throw me an idea or has had a similar issue.  Does anyone know of a sort of "crash logger for graphics" in SSE?

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