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Need help with a Backpack mod!


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Hi there, I've been developing a Backpack mod for Fallout New Vegas/TTW using Modder's resources and assets that are available on nexus, some for free use and some with the original Modder's permission.
While playing I noticed that some of the Backpack models disappear completely when equipping a weapon that has a backpack built in, for example the minigun, shishkebab and flamer, however the backpack model that the weapon uses doesn't appear either, my character has no Backpack when both Weapon and Backpack are equipped at the same time. The Models that disappear are all made by sedPL originally a Fallout 3 resource, where as d_ivanov's Leather Backpack model works as it should, while wearing the backpack, if a minigun is equipped it will show the Backpack model for the minigun and when unequipped the Leather Backpack model will reappear. 

This appears to be a problem with the meshes themselves and I have no idea how to fix it, I thought maybe part of the model wasn't labelled correctly but after comparing it with meshes that work fine I can't understand what's causing it. My experience with modelling is fairly limited and I'm only using nifskope to look at the models, if anyone has any idea how to help me it would be much appreciated. 

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Just don't flag it as a backpack in GECK and it'll never disappear, weapon backpacks will override it.

Nothing to do with Nifscope or the model itself, check the GECK item settings. If you don't like the minigun backpack, I would make a mod to remove that mesh.

Edited by MuteSignals
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It has to be something to do with the models as that's the only differences between the backpack meshes, all the settings in the GECK are identical, and I have to use the backpack flag because I need them to work with 'Armed to the teeth'
When you make an armour model you're supposed to flag the different parts of it relative to the body part, otherwise you'll have clipping in first person, if you label it as Upper body then it will be invisible in first person, usually areas around the neck, collars of clothing usually clip in first person and as such need to be labelled correctly. I'm guessing it's something to do with that, but I can't figure it out for backpacks

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You're not wrong there. Maybe you should compare both objects with d_ivanov's Leather Backpack too. Maybe it has a different naming convention in Nifskope? Like Backpack:0 and Backpack:0 are cancelling eachother out if both TriShapes/Strips are named the same? That's really all I got since whenever I make a backpack, it works as intended.

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I've already compared them but can't really find the problem since the layout of TriShapes and nodes etc. is slightly different, the sedPL meshes seem to be missing a node compared to the others but that's about it, I'm not familiar enough with nifskope or blender to really identify the issue.

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