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"A different way to loot" mod. Skyrim/Fallout


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First off, I have no clue if this would even be possible.  That's why I'm here writing this.

When I do a dungeon, I want to be immersed and enjoy it by not being distracted by looting every enemy I kill and opening every container (even though sometimes you need it at that point in time).  I know that's important early game for upgrading your weapons/spells etc...  Would it be possible at all to have some kind of mod where every enemy you kill and every container/urn/chest you touch/unlock will be "held"  until you reach the end of the dungeon.  Say, obtaining the word of power that's at the end, or killing the boss of that dungeon, there would be some kind of "thing/checkpoint" you stand in or touch (to trigger it) and have a screen open with all the loot from enemies you killed and chest/urns etc.. that you "tagged" so you can pick through all your loot and take what you want.

This way, you still get the loot you would have originally gotten and you don't have to backtrack through the dungeon to loot (if you want to stay immersed the entire time).  Obviously, certain items that are very important/quest-related items (keys/journals etc..) would have to be obtained at the time of encountering them.  

I just thought it would be an interesting way to do dungeons without being annoyed by looting as you go.

Is this even possible?  

Thanks for reading!  🙂

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