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CTD in Outpost when opening "Miscellaneous" Category


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  Hey thrill seekers, TwoDog here, AKA Dave

  A recurring theme.  When in outpost mode (NG+ first outpost) when I move to the Miscellaneous category it crashes to desktop.

  I  have gone through my mod manager and disabled, or even-reinstalled, pretty much everything.  Only by launching the game without SFSE (ie vanilla game)

  Last mods I loaded were outpost resource mods.

  Also been playing with load order.  But I don't really understand how it works....

  Any direction most appreciated.  I don't want to lose this game because I have all my coolest ship designs on it. (well, cool to me, anyway.)  

  It seems I can't remove mods "Cleanly"  For instance, when I disable/remove outpost mods their items don't vanish from the build menu.

  This happens only when I switch to Miscellaneous category.  My assumption so far is that there is some item inside the misc menu that is missing or corrupt, and so it crashes when trying to open the menu it's in.  Because other than the MISC menu option I can build everything else.

   Thanks all, and happy modding!


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Does the game run if you DON'T launch with SFSE? Can you use miscellaneous objects then? If that's the case, then one of your SFSE plugins is causing the issue.

Which mod manager are you using? Vortex doesn't seem to have Starfield mod installation dialed in yet..... At this point, I am just installing everything manually... When Vortex has things sorted out, and mods are officially supported, I may do a reinstall... or, I may not.

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Hi Dave, and there is already one problem. Disabling mods in a running save is never a good idea, unless it is the last mod in load order and you can revert back to a save where it still was enabled. Some mods can be uninstalled/disabled, most can't or shouldn't. 

Mostly if the outpost building menu messes up it is a load order issue or a faulty mod. If you are using "Outpost Resources Complete".... let's say i can't recommend installting it as it messes about with vanilla records and cells in a way that is not save. But that said, the mod was updated on the 24th so the author might have fixed the issues, i haven't tested it yet. The previous version is known to cause CTDs. You might need to create some patches yourself depending on the mods you use and their load order, but only xEdit will tell you if and what needs patching. Some mods offer to use the Star-UI icons, i found tho that this is way to fiddly and unreliable, so i reverted back to the no-icon versions of the mods. Unfortunately i can't really say much more as each load order is as unique as you are and there is a miriad of possible combinations. It might also be that your load order is OK, but as you deleted mods and re-installed some, your save is now f'd up beyond repair. For the future i can only recommend to get all mods together before you start a serious play-through. You can test mods beforehand on a save purely for testing and if it messes up there is nothing lost. But once you start your real playthrough you shouldn't change the load order. You can add new mods to the very end, but never move existing mods around. They need to remain where they were at the beginning of your game. Pure texture based mods like texture replacers you can alsways move around as long as they don't come with their own plugin. As soon as there is an ESM file involved, just don't move it, don't delete it until you are finished. The game is not designed to handle deletion of mods on a running save. It also is an ongoing issue and discussion since Skyrim and before and hasn't changed to this day.


What you could do is to start a completely new save with the current setup and check if the CTD is still occuring. If yes, your load order is screwed or a mod is causing errors. If not, then it was your own fault by messing with the load order. Regardless, you will eventually need to start a new save anyway. If you send us your load order (just copy the plugins.txt content into a reply) somebody might look over it and potentially come up with some hints and tips, but don't expect a magick bullet or that the entire community jumps right onto it. It might take some time. 


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