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2024 New Year Party Blast - Buswar, Trivia, and reward results


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A post celebrating the New Year, modified and shared from Vendetta Online's forums to here. Since i'm sure very few are aware of VO, its a space MMO with FPS-centered controls and an orientation towards arcadey combat (unlike, say, E:D, which is closer to simulation style gameplay, or EVE which is more of a management simulation. Both great games in their own right too!). I (Luxen De'Mark, game moderator and modder for VO) am trying to push the community to use NexusMods a bit more for our 'plugins', given the current popular repository we use has no active maintainer (and I like some of Nexus's features). Likewise, it'd be cool if any of you come by and give the game a try, too! Available on PC, Mobile, and select VR platforms.


The New Year Partyball is an event to welcome the New Year, being a simultaneous Trivia challenge and Buswar (A free for all combat event where pilots must use the earliest class of ship available), followed by a "lighting of the capital vessels". 

🍻 Happy New Year, everyone! 🍻 Cheers to Incarnate & Raybondo, The developers of Vendetta Online! 🍻 Many thanks to everyone for helping make our awesome community what it is~

For the trivia event, Adalwolf had the most "first" correct answers with 4, and won a 1-month game key and 400k credits (100k per correct first answer)
For the buswar event, DylanH120 had the most kills at an amazing 32 (hot damn!) and won a 1-month game key and 320k credits (10k per kill)

For the finale, myself and Twitchy dedicated capital vessels for the vessel "lighting", plus an accidental constellation I /killed; thanks for the contributions, NPCs, and to Twitchy!

Twitchy also hosted a pinata party leading up to the last hour, so lots of additional prizes were handed out through that. For that, there were 5 total capships donated, plus a number of subcapital pinatas! Give Twitchy a HUGE round of applause for helping fill in the event for additional time and for helping me keep myself sorted!

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