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Difficulty resetting


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For some reason my difficulty always stays on Novice and even when I try to put it on a higher difficulty it just resets back onto Novice as soon I get off the menu. I tried to make a new save but that did not work either. I have also tried disabling a mod called Wildcat-Combat of Skyrim as that supposedly changes difficulty but that also did not work. 

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Has your .ini accidentally been set to "read-only"?  I suggest making a copy of your current .ini, and labeling it .inidateofchange, like .ini240101.  You will get the usual warning about changing the file type.  THEN experiment.

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On 1/1/2024 at 9:43 PM, kryten397 said:

If your on the latest version 1.6.1130 and using SkyUi

you need        SkyUI SE - Difficulty Persistence Fix

One of the things the update broke

Thank you this seems to have fixed my issue. 

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On 1/1/2024 at 1:43 PM, kryten397 said:

If your on the latest version 1.6.1130 and using SkyUi

you need        SkyUI SE - Difficulty Persistence Fix

One of the things the update broke

I enabled SkyUI SE - Difficulty Persistence Fix and now my character is locked out of all keyboard controls. I cant use WASD, ESC, TAB, etc. Any suggestions?

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I usually play with gamepad.But i tested it and keyboard controls are working fine for me with that installed.

You must have  a conflict with other UI mods such as Nordic UI.It would be best to post in that mods nexus page.

In the last few days this was uploaded             Quest Journal Fix for SkyUI  

It also does the difficulty persistance fix but  also has multiple patches for  various UI mods that will cause conflicts.

You could try that.

Edited by kryten397
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